Class FFmpegKitConfig

  • public class FFmpegKitConfig
    extends java.lang.Object

    Configuration class of FFmpegKit library.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void asyncFFmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession)
      Asynchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.
      static void asyncFFmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)
      Asynchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.
      static void asyncFFprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession)
      Asynchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.
      static void asyncFFprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)
      Asynchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.
      static void asyncGetMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession, int waitTimeout)
      Asynchronously executes the media information session provided.
      static void asyncGetMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService, int waitTimeout)
      Asynchronously executes the media information session provided.
      static void closeFFmpegPipe​(java.lang.String ffmpegPipePath)
      Closes a previously created FFmpeg pipe.
      static void disableRedirection()
      Disables log and statistics redirection.
      static void enableExecuteCallback​(ExecuteCallback executeCallback)
      Sets a global callback function to receive execution results.
      static void enableLogCallback​(LogCallback logCallback)
      Sets a global callback function to redirect FFmpeg/FFprobe logs.
      static void enableRedirection()
      Enables log and statistics redirection.
      static void enableStatisticsCallback​(StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback)
      Sets a global callback function to redirect FFmpeg statistics.
      static void ffmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession)
      Synchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.
      static void ffprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession)
      Synchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.
      static int getAsyncConcurrencyLimit()
      Returns the maximum number of async sessions that will be executed in parallel.
      static java.lang.String getBuildDate()
      Returns FFmpegKit library build date.
      static java.lang.String getFFmpegVersion()
      Returns the version of FFmpeg bundled within FFmpegKit library.
      static Session getLastCompletedSession()
      Returns the last session completed from the session history.
      static Session getLastSession()
      Returns the last session created from the session history.
      static Level getLogLevel()
      Returns the current log level.
      static LogRedirectionStrategy getLogRedirectionStrategy()
      Returns the active log redirection strategy.
      static void getMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession, int waitTimeout)
      Synchronously executes the media information session provided.
      static java.lang.String getSafParameterForRead​(android.content.Context context, uri)
      Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an input url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.
      static java.lang.String getSafParameterForWrite​(android.content.Context context, uri)
      Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an output url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.
      static Session getSession​(long sessionId)
      Returns the session specified with sessionId from the session history.
      static int getSessionHistorySize()
      Returns the session history size.
      static java.util.List<Session> getSessions()
      Returns all sessions in the session history.
      static java.util.List<Session> getSessionsByState​(SessionState state)
      Returns sessions that have the given state.
      static java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSupportedCameraIds​(android.content.Context context)
      Returns the list of camera ids supported.
      static java.lang.String getVersion()
      Returns FFmpegKit library version.
      static void ignoreSignal​(Signal signal)
      Registers a new ignored signal.
      static boolean isLTSBuild()
      Returns whether FFmpegKit release is a Long Term Release or not.
      static int messagesInTransmit​(long sessionId)
      Returns the number of native messages that are not transmitted to the Java callbacks for this session natively.
      static void printToLogcat​(int logPriority, java.lang.String string)
      Prints the given string to Logcat using the given priority.
      static java.lang.String registerNewFFmpegPipe​(android.content.Context context)
      Creates a new named pipe to use in FFmpeg operations.
      static void setAsyncConcurrencyLimit​(int asyncConcurrencyLimit)
      Sets the maximum number of async sessions that will be executed in parallel.
      static int setEnvironmentVariable​(java.lang.String variableName, java.lang.String variableValue)
      Sets an environment variable.
      static int setFontconfigConfigurationPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Sets and overrides fontconfig configuration directory.
      static void setFontDirectory​(android.content.Context context, java.lang.String fontDirectoryPath, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> fontNameMapping)
      Registers the fonts inside the given path, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.
      static void setFontDirectoryList​(android.content.Context context, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fontDirectoryList, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> fontNameMapping)
      Registers the fonts inside the given list of font directories, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.
      static void setLogLevel​(Level level)
      Sets the log level.
      static void setLogRedirectionStrategy​(LogRedirectionStrategy logRedirectionStrategy)
      Sets the log redirection strategy
      static void setSessionHistorySize​(int sessionHistorySize)
      Sets the session history size.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • enableRedirection

        public static void enableRedirection()

        Enables log and statistics redirection.

        When redirection is enabled FFmpeg/FFprobe logs are redirected to Logcat and sessions collect log and statistics entries for the executions. It is possible to define global or session specific log/statistics callbacks as well.

        Note that redirection is enabled by default. If you do not want to use its functionality please use disableRedirection() to disable it.

      • disableRedirection

        public static void disableRedirection()

        Disables log and statistics redirection.

        When redirection is disabled logs are printed to stderr, all logs and statistics callbacks are disabled and FFprobe's getMediaInformation methods do not work.

      • setFontconfigConfigurationPath

        public static int setFontconfigConfigurationPath​(java.lang.String path)

        Sets and overrides fontconfig configuration directory.

        path - directory that contains fontconfig configuration (fonts.conf)
        zero on success, non-zero on error
      • setFontDirectory

        public static void setFontDirectory​(android.content.Context context,
                                            java.lang.String fontDirectoryPath,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> fontNameMapping)

        Registers the fonts inside the given path, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.

        Note that you need to build FFmpegKit with fontconfig enabled or use a prebuilt package with fontconfig inside to be able to use fonts in FFmpeg.

        context - application context to access application data
        fontDirectoryPath - directory that contains fonts (.ttf and .otf files)
        fontNameMapping - custom font name mappings, useful to access your fonts with more friendly names
      • setFontDirectoryList

        public static void setFontDirectoryList​(android.content.Context context,
                                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> fontDirectoryList,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> fontNameMapping)

        Registers the fonts inside the given list of font directories, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.

        Note that you need to build FFmpegKit with fontconfig enabled or use a prebuilt package with fontconfig inside to be able to use fonts in FFmpeg.

        context - application context to access application data
        fontDirectoryList - list of directories that contain fonts (.ttf and .otf files)
        fontNameMapping - custom font name mappings, useful to access your fonts with more friendly names
      • registerNewFFmpegPipe

        public static java.lang.String registerNewFFmpegPipe​(android.content.Context context)

        Creates a new named pipe to use in FFmpeg operations.

        Please note that creator is responsible of closing created pipes.

        context - application context
        the full path of the named pipe
      • closeFFmpegPipe

        public static void closeFFmpegPipe​(java.lang.String ffmpegPipePath)

        Closes a previously created FFmpeg pipe.

        ffmpegPipePath - full path of the FFmpeg pipe
      • getSupportedCameraIds

        public static java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSupportedCameraIds​(android.content.Context context)
        Returns the list of camera ids supported. These devices can be used in FFmpeg commands.

        Note that this method requires API Level ≥ 24. On older API levels it returns an empty list.

        context - application context
        list of camera ids supported or an empty list if no supported cameras are found
      • getFFmpegVersion

        public static java.lang.String getFFmpegVersion()

        Returns the version of FFmpeg bundled within FFmpegKit library.

        the version of FFmpeg
      • getVersion

        public static java.lang.String getVersion()

        Returns FFmpegKit library version.

        FFmpegKit version
      • isLTSBuild

        public static boolean isLTSBuild()

        Returns whether FFmpegKit release is a Long Term Release or not.

        true/yes or false/no
      • getBuildDate

        public static java.lang.String getBuildDate()

        Returns FFmpegKit library build date.

        FFmpegKit library build date
      • printToLogcat

        public static void printToLogcat​(int logPriority,
                                         java.lang.String string)

        Prints the given string to Logcat using the given priority. If string provided is bigger than the Logcat buffer, the string is printed in multiple lines.

        logPriority - one of Log.VERBOSE, Log.DEBUG, Log.INFO, Log.WARN, Log.ERROR, Log.ASSERT
        string - string to be printed
      • setEnvironmentVariable

        public static int setEnvironmentVariable​(java.lang.String variableName,
                                                 java.lang.String variableValue)

        Sets an environment variable.

        variableName - environment variable name
        variableValue - environment variable value
        zero on success, non-zero on error
      • ignoreSignal

        public static void ignoreSignal​(Signal signal)

        Registers a new ignored signal. Ignored signals are not handled by FFmpegKit library.

        signal - signal to be ignored
      • ffmpegExecute

        public static void ffmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession)

        Synchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.

        ffmpegSession - FFmpeg session which includes command options/arguments
      • ffprobeExecute

        public static void ffprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession)

        Synchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.

        ffprobeSession - FFprobe session which includes command options/arguments
      • getMediaInformationExecute

        public static void getMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession,
                                                      int waitTimeout)

        Synchronously executes the media information session provided.

        mediaInformationSession - media information session which includes command options/arguments
        waitTimeout - max time to wait until media information is transmitted
      • asyncFFmpegExecute

        public static void asyncFFmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession)

        Asynchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.

        ffmpegSession - FFmpeg session which includes command options/arguments
      • asyncFFmpegExecute

        public static void asyncFFmpegExecute​(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession,
                                              java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.

        ffmpegSession - FFmpeg session which includes command options/arguments
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
      • asyncFFprobeExecute

        public static void asyncFFprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession)

        Asynchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.

        ffprobeSession - FFprobe session which includes command options/arguments
      • asyncFFprobeExecute

        public static void asyncFFprobeExecute​(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession,
                                               java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.

        ffprobeSession - FFprobe session which includes command options/arguments
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
      • asyncGetMediaInformationExecute

        public static void asyncGetMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession,
                                                           int waitTimeout)

        Asynchronously executes the media information session provided.

        mediaInformationSession - media information session which includes command options/arguments
        waitTimeout - max time to wait until media information is transmitted
      • asyncGetMediaInformationExecute

        public static void asyncGetMediaInformationExecute​(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession,
                                                           java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService,
                                                           int waitTimeout)

        Asynchronously executes the media information session provided.

        mediaInformationSession - media information session which includes command options/arguments
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
        waitTimeout - max time to wait until media information is transmitted
      • getAsyncConcurrencyLimit

        public static int getAsyncConcurrencyLimit()
        Returns the maximum number of async sessions that will be executed in parallel.
        maximum number of async sessions that will be executed in parallel
      • setAsyncConcurrencyLimit

        public static void setAsyncConcurrencyLimit​(int asyncConcurrencyLimit)
        Sets the maximum number of async sessions that will be executed in parallel. If more sessions are submitted those will be queued.
        asyncConcurrencyLimit - new async concurrency limit
      • enableLogCallback

        public static void enableLogCallback​(LogCallback logCallback)

        Sets a global callback function to redirect FFmpeg/FFprobe logs.

        logCallback - log callback function or null to disable a previously defined callback
      • enableStatisticsCallback

        public static void enableStatisticsCallback​(StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback)

        Sets a global callback function to redirect FFmpeg statistics.

        statisticsCallback - statistics callback function or null to disable a previously defined callback
      • enableExecuteCallback

        public static void enableExecuteCallback​(ExecuteCallback executeCallback)

        Sets a global callback function to receive execution results.

        executeCallback - execute callback function or null to disable a previously defined callback
      • getLogLevel

        public static Level getLogLevel()
        Returns the current log level.
        current log level
      • setLogLevel

        public static void setLogLevel​(Level level)
        Sets the log level.
        level - new log level
      • getSafParameterForRead

        public static java.lang.String getSafParameterForRead​(android.content.Context context,

        Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an input url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.

        Requires API Level ≥ 19. On older API levels it returns an empty url.

        context - application context
        uri - saf uri
        input url that can be passed to FFmpegKit or FFprobeKit
      • getSafParameterForWrite

        public static java.lang.String getSafParameterForWrite​(android.content.Context context,

        Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an output url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.

        Requires API Level ≥ 19. On older API levels it returns an empty url.

        context - application context
        uri - saf uri
        output url that can be passed to FFmpegKit or FFprobeKit
      • getSessionHistorySize

        public static int getSessionHistorySize()
        Returns the session history size.
        session history size
      • setSessionHistorySize

        public static void setSessionHistorySize​(int sessionHistorySize)
        Sets the session history size.
        sessionHistorySize - session history size, should be smaller than 1000
      • getSession

        public static Session getSession​(long sessionId)
        Returns the session specified with sessionId from the session history.
        sessionId - session identifier
        session specified with sessionId or null if it is not found in the history
      • getLastSession

        public static Session getLastSession()
        Returns the last session created from the session history.
        the last session created or null if session history is empty
      • getLastCompletedSession

        public static Session getLastCompletedSession()
        Returns the last session completed from the session history.
        the last session completed. If there are no completed sessions in the history this method will return null
      • getSessions

        public static java.util.List<Session> getSessions()

        Returns all sessions in the session history.

        all sessions in the session history
      • getSessionsByState

        public static java.util.List<Session> getSessionsByState​(SessionState state)

        Returns sessions that have the given state.

        state - session state
        sessions that have the given state from the session history
      • getLogRedirectionStrategy

        public static LogRedirectionStrategy getLogRedirectionStrategy()
        Returns the active log redirection strategy.
        log redirection strategy
      • setLogRedirectionStrategy

        public static void setLogRedirectionStrategy​(LogRedirectionStrategy logRedirectionStrategy)

        Sets the log redirection strategy

        logRedirectionStrategy - log redirection strategy
      • messagesInTransmit

        public static int messagesInTransmit​(long sessionId)

        Returns the number of native messages that are not transmitted to the Java callbacks for this session natively.

        sessionId - id of the session
        number of native messages that are not transmitted to the Java callbacks for this session natively