Interface ExecuteCallback

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ExecuteCallback

    Callback function invoked when an asynchronous session ends running.

    Session has either SessionState.COMPLETED or SessionState.FAILED state when the callback is invoked.

    If it has SessionState.COMPLETED state, ReturnCode should be checked to see the execution result.

    If getState returns SessionState.FAILED then getFailStackTrace should be used to get the failure reason.

      switch (session.getState()) {
          case COMPLETED: {
              ReturnCode returnCode = session.getReturnCode();
          } break;
          case FAILED: {
              String failStackTrace = session.getFailStackTrace();
          } break;
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        void apply​(Session session)

        Called when an asynchronous session ends running.

        session - session