FFmpegKit iOS / macOS / tvOS API 4.5
Instance Methods | Class Methods
FFprobeSession Class Reference

#import <FFprobeSession.h>

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - init:
(instancetype) - init:withExecuteCallback:
(instancetype) - init:withExecuteCallback:withLogCallback:
(instancetype) - init:withExecuteCallback:withLogCallback:withLogRedirectionStrategy:
(BOOL) - isFFmpeg [implementation]
(BOOL) - isFFprobe [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from AbstractSession
(void) - waitForAsynchronousMessagesInTransmit:
(ExecuteCallback- getExecuteCallback [implementation]
(LogCallback- getLogCallback [implementation]
(long) - getSessionId [implementation]
(NSDate *) - getCreateTime [implementation]
(NSDate *) - getStartTime [implementation]
(NSDate *) - getEndTime [implementation]
(long) - getDuration [implementation]
(NSArray *) - getArguments [implementation]
(NSString *) - getCommand [implementation]
(NSArray *) - getAllLogsWithTimeout: [implementation]
(NSArray *) - getAllLogs [implementation]
(NSArray *) - getLogs [implementation]
(NSString *) - getAllLogsAsStringWithTimeout: [implementation]
(NSString *) - getAllLogsAsString [implementation]
(NSString *) - getLogsAsString [implementation]
(NSString *) - getOutput [implementation]
(SessionState) - getState [implementation]
(ReturnCode *) - getReturnCode [implementation]
(NSString *) - getFailStackTrace [implementation]
(LogRedirectionStrategy) - getLogRedirectionStrategy [implementation]
(BOOL) - thereAreAsynchronousMessagesInTransmit [implementation]
(void) - addLog: [implementation]
(void) - startRunning [implementation]
(void) - complete: [implementation]
(void) - fail: [implementation]
(void) - cancel [implementation]

Class Methods

(void) + initialize [implementation]

Detailed Description

An FFprobe session.

Definition at line 29 of file FFprobeSession.h.

Method Documentation

◆ init:

- (instancetype) init: (NSArray*)  arguments

Builds a new FFprobe session.

argumentscommand arguments

Reimplemented in MediaInformationSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ init:withExecuteCallback:

- (instancetype) init: (NSArray*)  arguments
withExecuteCallback: (ExecuteCallback executeCallback 

Builds a new FFprobe session.

argumentscommand arguments
executeCallbacksession specific execute callback

Reimplemented in MediaInformationSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ init:withExecuteCallback:withLogCallback:

- (instancetype) init: (NSArray*)  arguments
withExecuteCallback: (ExecuteCallback executeCallback
withLogCallback: (LogCallback logCallback 

Builds a new FFprobe session.

argumentscommand arguments
executeCallbacksession specific execute callback
logCallbacksession specific log callback

Reimplemented in MediaInformationSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ init:withExecuteCallback:withLogCallback:withLogRedirectionStrategy:

- (instancetype) init: (NSArray*)  arguments
withExecuteCallback: (ExecuteCallback executeCallback
withLogCallback: (LogCallback logCallback
withLogRedirectionStrategy: (LogRedirectionStrategy)  logRedirectionStrategy 

Builds a new FFprobe session.

argumentscommand arguments
executeCallbacksession specific execute callback
logCallbacksession specific log callback
logRedirectionStrategysession specific log redirection strategy

Reimplemented from AbstractSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ initialize

+ (void) initialize

Reimplemented from AbstractSession.

Reimplemented in MediaInformationSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ isFFmpeg

- (BOOL) isFFmpeg

Returns whether it is an FFmpeg session or not.

true if it is an FFmpeg session, false otherwise

Reimplemented from AbstractSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

◆ isFFprobe

- (BOOL) isFFprobe

Returns whether it is an FFprobe session or not.

true if it is an FFprobe session, false otherwise

Reimplemented from AbstractSession.

Definition at line 1 of file FFprobeSession.m.

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