FFmpegKit iOS / macOS / tvOS API  4.4
Macros | Functions | Variables
fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c File Reference

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#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_str   "%s"
#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_i   "%i"
#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_i64   "%"PRId64
#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_ui64   "%"PRIu64
#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_f   "%f"
#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_dbl   "%lf"
#define WARN_MULTIPLE_OPT_USAGE(name, type, so, st)
#define MATCH_PER_STREAM_OPT(name, type, outvar, fmtctx, st)
#define MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT(name, type, outvar, fmtctx, mediatype)
#define METADATA_CHECK_INDEX(index, nb_elems, desc)
#define SET_DICT(type, meta, context, index)


void uninit_options (OptionsContext *o)
void init_options (OptionsContext *o)
int show_hwaccels (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
AVDictionary * strip_specifiers (AVDictionary *dict)
int opt_abort_on (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_stats_period (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_sameq (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_channel (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_standard (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_subtitle_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_data_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_map (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_attach (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_map_channel (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_sdp_file (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_init_hw_device (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_hw_device (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
void parse_meta_type (char *arg, char *type, int *index, const char **stream_spec)
int fftools_copy_metadata (char *outspec, char *inspec, AVFormatContext *oc, AVFormatContext *ic, OptionsContext *o)
int opt_recording_timestamp (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
AVCodec * find_codec_or_die (const char *name, enum AVMediaType type, int encoder)
AVCodec * choose_decoder (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st)
void add_input_streams (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *ic)
void assert_file_overwrite (const char *filename)
void dump_attachment (AVStream *st, const char *filename)
int open_input_file (OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
uint8_t * get_line (AVIOContext *s)
int get_preset_file_2 (const char *preset_name, const char *codec_name, AVIOContext **s)
int choose_encoder (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *s, OutputStream *ost)
OutputStreamnew_output_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, enum AVMediaType type, int source_index)
void parse_matrix_coeffs (uint16_t *dest, const char *str)
uint8_t * fftools_read_file (const char *filename)
char * get_ost_filters (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, OutputStream *ost)
void check_streamcopy_filters (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, const OutputStream *ost, enum AVMediaType type)
OutputStreamnew_video_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_audio_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_data_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_unknown_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_attachment_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_subtitle_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
int opt_streamid (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int copy_chapters (InputFile *ifile, OutputFile *ofile, int copy_metadata)
void init_output_filter (OutputFilter *ofilter, OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc)
int init_complex_filters (void)
int open_output_file (OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
int opt_target (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vstats_file (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vstats (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_data_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_default_new (OptionsContext *o, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_preset (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_old2new (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_bitrate (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_qscale (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_profile (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_filters (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_filters (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vsync (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_timecode (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_channel_layout (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_qscale (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_complex (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_complex_script (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
void show_help_default_ffmpeg (const char *opt, const char *arg)
void show_usage (void)


static const char *const opt_name_codec_names [] = {"c", "codec", "acodec", "vcodec", "scodec", "dcodec", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_audio_channels [] = {"ac", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_audio_sample_rate [] = {"ar", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_frame_rates [] = {"r", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_max_frame_rates [] = {"fpsmax", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_frame_sizes [] = {"s", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_frame_pix_fmts [] = {"pix_fmt", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_ts_scale [] = {"itsscale", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_hwaccels [] = {"hwaccel", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_hwaccel_devices [] = {"hwaccel_device", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_hwaccel_output_formats [] = {"hwaccel_output_format", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_autorotate [] = {"autorotate", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_autoscale [] = {"autoscale", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_max_frames [] = {"frames", "aframes", "vframes", "dframes", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_bitstream_filters [] = {"bsf", "absf", "vbsf", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_codec_tags [] = {"tag", "atag", "vtag", "stag", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_sample_fmts [] = {"sample_fmt", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_qscale [] = {"q", "qscale", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_forced_key_frames [] = {"forced_key_frames", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_force_fps [] = {"force_fps", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_frame_aspect_ratios [] = {"aspect", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_rc_overrides [] = {"rc_override", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_intra_matrices [] = {"intra_matrix", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_inter_matrices [] = {"inter_matrix", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_chroma_intra_matrices [] = {"chroma_intra_matrix", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_top_field_first [] = {"top", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_presets [] = {"pre", "apre", "vpre", "spre", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_copy_initial_nonkeyframes [] = {"copyinkfr", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_copy_prior_start [] = {"copypriorss", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_filters [] = {"filter", "af", "vf", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_filter_scripts [] = {"filter_script", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_reinit_filters [] = {"reinit_filter", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_fix_sub_duration [] = {"fix_sub_duration", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_canvas_sizes [] = {"canvas_size", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_pass [] = {"pass", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_passlogfiles [] = {"passlogfile", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_max_muxing_queue_size [] = {"max_muxing_queue_size", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_muxing_queue_data_threshold [] = {"muxing_queue_data_threshold", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_guess_layout_max [] = {"guess_layout_max", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_apad [] = {"apad", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_discard [] = {"discard", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_disposition [] = {"disposition", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_time_bases [] = {"time_base", NULL}
static const char *const opt_name_enc_time_bases [] = {"enc_time_base", NULL}
const HWAccel hwaccels []
__thread HWDevicefilter_hw_device
__thread char * vstats_filename
__thread char * sdp_filename
__thread float audio_drift_threshold = 0.1
__thread float dts_delta_threshold = 10
__thread float dts_error_threshold = 3600*30
__thread int audio_volume = 256
__thread int audio_sync_method = 0
__thread int video_sync_method = VSYNC_AUTO
__thread float frame_drop_threshold = 0
__thread int do_deinterlace = 0
__thread int do_benchmark = 0
__thread int do_benchmark_all = 0
__thread int do_hex_dump = 0
__thread int do_pkt_dump = 0
__thread int copy_ts = 0
__thread int start_at_zero = 0
__thread int copy_tb = -1
__thread int debug_ts = 0
__thread int exit_on_error = 0
__thread int abort_on_flags = 0
__thread int print_stats = -1
__thread int qp_hist = 0
__thread int stdin_interaction = 1
__thread int frame_bits_per_raw_sample = 0
__thread float max_error_rate = 2.0/3
__thread int filter_nbthreads = 0
__thread int filter_complex_nbthreads = 0
__thread int vstats_version = 2
__thread int auto_conversion_filters = 1
__thread int64_t stats_period = 500000
__thread int intra_only = 0
__thread int file_overwrite = 0
__thread int no_file_overwrite = 0
__thread int do_psnr = 0
__thread int input_sync
__thread int input_stream_potentially_available = 0
__thread int ignore_unknown_streams = 0
__thread int copy_unknown_streams = 0
__thread int find_stream_info = 1
__thread OptionDefffmpeg_options

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 60 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define MATCH_PER_STREAM_OPT (   name,
int i, ret, matches = 0;\
SpecifierOpt *so;\
for (i = 0; i < o->nb_ ## name; i++) {\
char *spec = o->name[i].specifier;\
if ((ret = check_stream_specifier(fmtctx, st, spec)) > 0) {\
outvar = o->name[i].u.type;\
so = &o->name[i];\
} else if (ret < 0)\
if (matches > 1)\
WARN_MULTIPLE_OPT_USAGE(name, type, so, st);\
int check_stream_specifier(AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st, const char *spec)

Definition at line 124 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT (   name,
int i;\
for (i = 0; i < o->nb_ ## name; i++) {\
char *spec = o->name[i].specifier;\
if (!strcmp(spec, mediatype))\
outvar = o->name[i].u.type;\

Definition at line 141 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define METADATA_CHECK_INDEX (   index,
if ((index) < 0 || (index) >= (nb_elems)) {\
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Invalid %s index %d while processing metadata maps.\n",\
(desc), (index));\


#define SET_DICT (   type,
switch (type) {\
case 'g':\
meta = &context->metadata;\
case 'c':\
METADATA_CHECK_INDEX(index, context->nb_chapters, "chapter")\
meta = &context->chapters[index]->metadata;\
case 'p':\
METADATA_CHECK_INDEX(index, context->nb_programs, "program")\
meta = &context->programs[index]->metadata;\
case 's':\
break; /* handled separately below */ \
default: av_assert0(0);\


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_dbl   "%lf"

Definition at line 67 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_f   "%f"

Definition at line 66 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_i   "%i"

Definition at line 63 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_i64   "%"PRId64

Definition at line 64 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_str   "%s"

Definition at line 62 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_ui64   "%"PRIu64

Definition at line 65 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.


#define WARN_MULTIPLE_OPT_USAGE (   name,
char namestr[128] = "";\
const char *spec = so->specifier && so->specifier[0] ? so->specifier : "";\
for (i = 0; opt_name_##name[i]; i++)\
av_strlcatf(namestr, sizeof(namestr), "-%s%s", opt_name_##name[i], opt_name_##name[i+1] ? (opt_name_##name[i+2] ? ", " : " or ") : "");\
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Multiple %s options specified for stream %d, only the last option '-%s%s%s "SPECIFIER_OPT_FMT_##type"' will be used.\n",\
namestr, st->index, opt_name_##name[0], spec[0] ? ":" : "", spec, so->u.type);\

Definition at line 114 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

Function Documentation

◆ add_input_streams()

void add_input_streams ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  ic 

Definition at line 801 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ assert_file_overwrite()

void assert_file_overwrite ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 1009 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ check_streamcopy_filters()

void check_streamcopy_filters ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
const OutputStream ost,
enum AVMediaType  type 

Definition at line 1690 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ choose_decoder()

AVCodec* choose_decoder ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  s,
AVStream *  st 

Definition at line 786 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ choose_encoder()

int choose_encoder ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  s,
OutputStream ost 

Definition at line 1403 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_chapters()

int copy_chapters ( InputFile ifile,
OutputFile ofile,
int  copy_metadata 

Definition at line 2072 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dump_attachment()

void dump_attachment ( AVStream *  st,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1052 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ fftools_copy_metadata()

int fftools_copy_metadata ( char *  outspec,
char *  inspec,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
AVFormatContext *  ic,
OptionsContext o 

Definition at line 652 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ fftools_read_file()

uint8_t* fftools_read_file ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 1642 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ find_codec_or_die()

AVCodec* find_codec_or_die ( const char *  name,
enum AVMediaType  type,
int  encoder 

Definition at line 757 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_line()

uint8_t* get_line ( AVIOContext *  s)

Definition at line 1358 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_ost_filters()

char* get_ost_filters ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
OutputStream ost 

Definition at line 1670 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_preset_file_2()

int get_preset_file_2 ( const char *  preset_name,
const char *  codec_name,
AVIOContext **  s 

Definition at line 1377 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_complex_filters()

int init_complex_filters ( void  )

Definition at line 2157 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_options()

void init_options ( OptionsContext o)

Definition at line 240 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_output_filter()

void init_output_filter ( OutputFilter ofilter,
OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc 

Definition at line 2115 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_attachment_stream()

OutputStream* new_attachment_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2014 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_audio_stream()

OutputStream* new_audio_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1915 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_data_stream()

OutputStream* new_data_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1988 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_output_stream()

OutputStream* new_output_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
enum AVMediaType  type,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1438 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_subtitle_stream()

OutputStream* new_subtitle_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2022 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_unknown_stream()

OutputStream* new_unknown_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2001 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_video_stream()

OutputStream* new_video_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1704 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ open_input_file()

int open_input_file ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1084 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ open_output_file()

int open_output_file ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 2169 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_abort_on()

int opt_abort_on ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 285 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_attach()

int opt_attach ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 482 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_codec()

int opt_audio_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 340 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_filters()

int opt_audio_filters ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3138 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_frames()

int opt_audio_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2994 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_qscale()

int opt_audio_qscale ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3206 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_bitrate()

int opt_bitrate ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3086 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_channel_layout()

int opt_channel_layout ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3170 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_data_codec()

int opt_data_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 358 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_data_frames()

int opt_data_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3000 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_default_new()

int opt_default_new ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3006 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_complex()

int opt_filter_complex ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3212 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_complex_script()

int opt_filter_complex_script ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3227 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_hw_device()

int opt_filter_hw_device ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 604 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_init_hw_device()

int opt_init_hw_device ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 589 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_map()

int opt_map ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 364 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_map_channel()

int opt_map_channel ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 490 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_old2new()

int opt_old2new ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3074 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_preset()

int opt_preset ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3026 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_profile()

int opt_profile ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3120 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_qscale()

int opt_qscale ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3102 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_recording_timestamp()

int opt_recording_timestamp ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 742 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_sameq()

int opt_sameq ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 319 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_sdp_file()

int opt_sdp_file ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 567 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_stats_period()

int opt_stats_period ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 304 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_streamid()

int opt_streamid ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2050 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_subtitle_codec()

int opt_subtitle_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 352 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_target()

int opt_target ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2821 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_timecode()

int opt_timecode ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3156 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_channel()

int opt_video_channel ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 328 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_codec()

int opt_video_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 346 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_filters()

int opt_video_filters ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3132 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_frames()

int opt_video_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2988 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_standard()

int opt_video_standard ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 334 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vstats()

int opt_vstats ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2972 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vstats_file()

int opt_vstats_file ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2965 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vsync()

int opt_vsync ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3144 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ parse_matrix_coeffs()

void parse_matrix_coeffs ( uint16_t *  dest,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 1624 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ parse_meta_type()

void parse_meta_type ( char *  arg,
char *  type,
int index,
const char **  stream_spec 

Parse a metadata specifier passed as 'arg' parameter.

argmetadata string to parse
typemetadata type is written here – g(lobal)/s(tream)/c(hapter)/p(rogram)
indexfor type c/p, chapter/program index is written here
stream_specfor type s, the stream specifier is written here

Definition at line 625 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ show_help_default_ffmpeg()

void show_help_default_ffmpeg ( const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Per-fftool specific help handlers. Implemented in each fftool, called by show_help().

Definition at line 3244 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ show_hwaccels()

int show_hwaccels ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 255 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ show_usage()

void show_usage ( void  )

Definition at line 3317 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ strip_specifiers()

AVDictionary* strip_specifiers ( AVDictionary *  dict)

Definition at line 268 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ uninit_options()

void uninit_options ( OptionsContext o)

Definition at line 208 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ abort_on_flags

__thread int abort_on_flags = 0

Definition at line 183 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_drift_threshold

__thread float audio_drift_threshold = 0.1

Definition at line 165 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_sync_method

__thread int audio_sync_method = 0

Definition at line 170 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_volume

__thread int audio_volume = 256

Definition at line 169 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ auto_conversion_filters

__thread int auto_conversion_filters = 1

Definition at line 192 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_tb

__thread int copy_tb = -1

Definition at line 180 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_ts

__thread int copy_ts = 0

Definition at line 178 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_unknown_streams

__thread int copy_unknown_streams = 0

Definition at line 203 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ debug_ts

__thread int debug_ts = 0

Definition at line 181 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_benchmark

__thread int do_benchmark = 0

Definition at line 174 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_benchmark_all

__thread int do_benchmark_all = 0

Definition at line 175 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_deinterlace

__thread int do_deinterlace = 0

Definition at line 173 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_hex_dump

__thread int do_hex_dump = 0

Definition at line 176 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_pkt_dump

__thread int do_pkt_dump = 0

Definition at line 177 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_psnr

__thread int do_psnr = 0

Definition at line 199 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dts_delta_threshold

__thread float dts_delta_threshold = 10

Definition at line 166 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dts_error_threshold

__thread float dts_error_threshold = 3600*30

Definition at line 167 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ exit_on_error

__thread int exit_on_error = 0

Definition at line 182 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ ffmpeg_options

__thread OptionDef* ffmpeg_options

Definition at line 5160 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ file_overwrite

__thread int file_overwrite = 0

Definition at line 197 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_complex_nbthreads

__thread int filter_complex_nbthreads = 0

Definition at line 190 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_hw_device

__thread HWDevice* filter_hw_device

Definition at line 160 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_nbthreads

__thread int filter_nbthreads = 0

Definition at line 189 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ find_stream_info

__thread int find_stream_info = 1

Definition at line 204 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ frame_bits_per_raw_sample

__thread int frame_bits_per_raw_sample = 0

Definition at line 187 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ frame_drop_threshold

__thread float frame_drop_threshold = 0

Definition at line 172 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ hwaccels

const HWAccel hwaccels[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0 },

Definition at line 151 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ ignore_unknown_streams

__thread int ignore_unknown_streams = 0

Definition at line 202 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ input_stream_potentially_available

__thread int input_stream_potentially_available = 0

Definition at line 201 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ input_sync

__thread int input_sync

Definition at line 200 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ intra_only

__thread int intra_only = 0

Definition at line 196 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ max_error_rate

__thread float max_error_rate = 2.0/3

Definition at line 188 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ no_file_overwrite

__thread int no_file_overwrite = 0

Definition at line 198 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_apad

const char* const opt_name_apad[] = {"apad", NULL}

Definition at line 108 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_audio_channels

const char* const opt_name_audio_channels[] = {"ac", NULL}

Definition at line 70 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_audio_sample_rate

const char* const opt_name_audio_sample_rate[] = {"ar", NULL}

Definition at line 71 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_autorotate

const char* const opt_name_autorotate[] = {"autorotate", NULL}

Definition at line 80 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_autoscale

const char* const opt_name_autoscale[] = {"autoscale", NULL}

Definition at line 81 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_bitstream_filters

const char* const opt_name_bitstream_filters[] = {"bsf", "absf", "vbsf", NULL}

Definition at line 83 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_canvas_sizes

const char* const opt_name_canvas_sizes[] = {"canvas_size", NULL}

Definition at line 102 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_chroma_intra_matrices

const char* const opt_name_chroma_intra_matrices[] = {"chroma_intra_matrix", NULL}

Definition at line 93 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_codec_names

const char* const opt_name_codec_names[] = {"c", "codec", "acodec", "vcodec", "scodec", "dcodec", NULL}

Definition at line 69 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_codec_tags

const char* const opt_name_codec_tags[] = {"tag", "atag", "vtag", "stag", NULL}

Definition at line 84 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_copy_initial_nonkeyframes

const char* const opt_name_copy_initial_nonkeyframes[] = {"copyinkfr", NULL}

Definition at line 96 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_copy_prior_start

const char* const opt_name_copy_prior_start[] = {"copypriorss", NULL}

Definition at line 97 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_discard

const char* const opt_name_discard[] = {"discard", NULL}

Definition at line 109 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_disposition

const char* const opt_name_disposition[] = {"disposition", NULL}

Definition at line 110 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_enc_time_bases

const char* const opt_name_enc_time_bases[] = {"enc_time_base", NULL}

Definition at line 112 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_filter_scripts

const char* const opt_name_filter_scripts[] = {"filter_script", NULL}

Definition at line 99 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_filters

const char* const opt_name_filters[] = {"filter", "af", "vf", NULL}

Definition at line 98 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_fix_sub_duration

const char* const opt_name_fix_sub_duration[] = {"fix_sub_duration", NULL}

Definition at line 101 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_force_fps

const char* const opt_name_force_fps[] = {"force_fps", NULL}

Definition at line 88 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_forced_key_frames

const char* const opt_name_forced_key_frames[] = {"forced_key_frames", NULL}

Definition at line 87 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_frame_aspect_ratios

const char* const opt_name_frame_aspect_ratios[] = {"aspect", NULL}

Definition at line 89 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_frame_pix_fmts

const char* const opt_name_frame_pix_fmts[] = {"pix_fmt", NULL}

Definition at line 75 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_frame_rates

const char* const opt_name_frame_rates[] = {"r", NULL}

Definition at line 72 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_frame_sizes

const char* const opt_name_frame_sizes[] = {"s", NULL}

Definition at line 74 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_guess_layout_max

const char* const opt_name_guess_layout_max[] = {"guess_layout_max", NULL}

Definition at line 107 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_hwaccel_devices

const char* const opt_name_hwaccel_devices[] = {"hwaccel_device", NULL}

Definition at line 78 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_hwaccel_output_formats

const char* const opt_name_hwaccel_output_formats[] = {"hwaccel_output_format", NULL}

Definition at line 79 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_hwaccels

const char* const opt_name_hwaccels[] = {"hwaccel", NULL}

Definition at line 77 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_inter_matrices

const char* const opt_name_inter_matrices[] = {"inter_matrix", NULL}

Definition at line 92 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_intra_matrices

const char* const opt_name_intra_matrices[] = {"intra_matrix", NULL}

Definition at line 91 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_max_frame_rates

const char* const opt_name_max_frame_rates[] = {"fpsmax", NULL}

Definition at line 73 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_max_frames

const char* const opt_name_max_frames[] = {"frames", "aframes", "vframes", "dframes", NULL}

Definition at line 82 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_max_muxing_queue_size

const char* const opt_name_max_muxing_queue_size[] = {"max_muxing_queue_size", NULL}

Definition at line 105 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_muxing_queue_data_threshold

const char* const opt_name_muxing_queue_data_threshold[] = {"muxing_queue_data_threshold", NULL}

Definition at line 106 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_pass

const char* const opt_name_pass[] = {"pass", NULL}

Definition at line 103 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_passlogfiles

const char* const opt_name_passlogfiles[] = {"passlogfile", NULL}

Definition at line 104 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_presets

const char* const opt_name_presets[] = {"pre", "apre", "vpre", "spre", NULL}

Definition at line 95 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_qscale

const char* const opt_name_qscale[] = {"q", "qscale", NULL}

Definition at line 86 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_rc_overrides

const char* const opt_name_rc_overrides[] = {"rc_override", NULL}

Definition at line 90 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_reinit_filters

const char* const opt_name_reinit_filters[] = {"reinit_filter", NULL}

Definition at line 100 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_sample_fmts

const char* const opt_name_sample_fmts[] = {"sample_fmt", NULL}

Definition at line 85 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_time_bases

const char* const opt_name_time_bases[] = {"time_base", NULL}

Definition at line 111 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_top_field_first

const char* const opt_name_top_field_first[] = {"top", NULL}

Definition at line 94 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_name_ts_scale

const char* const opt_name_ts_scale[] = {"itsscale", NULL}

Definition at line 76 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ print_stats

__thread int print_stats = -1

Definition at line 184 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ qp_hist

__thread int qp_hist = 0

Definition at line 185 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ sdp_filename

__thread char* sdp_filename

Definition at line 163 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ start_at_zero

__thread int start_at_zero = 0

Definition at line 179 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ stats_period

__thread int64_t stats_period = 500000

Definition at line 193 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ stdin_interaction

__thread int stdin_interaction = 1

Definition at line 186 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ video_sync_method

__thread int video_sync_method = VSYNC_AUTO

Definition at line 171 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ vstats_filename

__thread char* vstats_filename

Definition at line 162 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ vstats_version

__thread int vstats_version = 2

Definition at line 191 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.