2011-01-26 10:35:08 +01:00

123 lines
3.6 KiB

Module: NutUpsmonConf
Parses @CONFPATH@/upsmon.conf
Author: Raphael Pinson <>
Frederic Bohe <>
About: License
This file is licensed under the GPL.
About: Lens Usage
Sample usage of this lens in augtool
* Print all notification messages
> print /files@CONFPATH@/upsmon.conf/NOTIFYMSG
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to @CONFPATH@/upsmon.conf. See <filter>.
module NutUpsmonConf =
autoload upsmon_xfm
(* general *)
let del_spc = Util.del_opt_ws ""
let sep_spc = Util.del_ws_spc
let eol = Util.eol
let num = /[0-9]+/
let word = /[^"#; \t\n]+/
let empty = Util.empty
let comment = Util.comment
let quoted_string = del "\"" "\"" . store /[^"\n]+/ . del "\"" "\""
(* UPS identifier
* <upsname>[@<hostname>[:<port>]]
* There might be a cleaner way to write this
* but I'm stuck with (hostname | hostname . port)?
let hostname = [ label "hostname" . store /[^ \t\n:]+/ ]
let port = [ label "port" . store num ]
let identifier = [ label "upsname" . store /[^ \t\n@]+/ ]
. ( ( Util.del_str "@" . hostname )
| ( Util.del_str "@" . hostname
. Util.del_str ":" . port ) )?
let upsmon_num_re = "DEADTIME"
let upsmon_num = [ del_spc . key upsmon_num_re . sep_spc . store num . eol ]
let upsmon_word = [ del_spc . key "RUN_AS_USER" . sep_spc . store word . eol ]
let upsmon_file_re = "NOTIFYCMD"
let sto_to_eol = IniFile.sto_to_eol
(* here we should support both quoted and not quotted
* string but I can't manage to find the right way of doing this
let upsmon_file = [ del_spc . key upsmon_file_re . sto_to_eol . eol ]
(* MONITOR system powervalue username password type *)
let upsmon_monitor = [ del_spc . key "MONITOR" . sep_spc
. [ label "system" . identifier ] . sep_spc
. [ label "powervalue" . store num ] . sep_spc
. [ label "username" . store word ] . sep_spc
. [ label "password" . store word ] . sep_spc
. [ label "type" . store word ] . eol ]
let upsmon_notify_type = "ONLINE"
| "FSD"
let upsmon_notify = [ del_spc . key "NOTIFYMSG" . sep_spc
. [ label "type" . store upsmon_notify_type . sep_spc ]
. [ label "message" . quoted_string ] . eol ]
let flags = "IGNORE"
| "WALL"
| "EXEC"
let plus = [ del /\+*/ "" ]
(*let entries = /IGNORE|SYSLOG|WALL|EXEC+/*)
let record = [ seq "record" . plus . store flags ]
let upsmon_notify_flag = [ counter "record"
. del_spc . key "NOTIFYFLAG" . sep_spc
. [ label "type" . store upsmon_notify_type . sep_spc ]
. record+ . eol ]
let upsmon_record = upsmon_num|upsmon_word|upsmon_file|upsmon_monitor|upsmon_notify|upsmon_notify_flag
let upsmon_lns = (upsmon_record|comment|empty)*
let upsmon_filter = ( incl "@CONFPATH@/upsmon.conf" )
. Util.stdexcl
let upsmon_xfm = transform upsmon_lns upsmon_filter