2010-03-26 00:20:59 +01:00

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Desc: New command and variable naming scheme
File: new-names.txt
Date: 09 September 2005
Auth: Russell Kroll <>
Arnaud Quette <>
*** NOTE *** : When updating this file, also update data/cmdvartab.
This is a dump of the standard variables and command names used in NUT.
Don't use a name with any of the dstate functions unless it exists here.
If you need a new variable or command name, contact the Development Team
Put another way: if you make up a name that's not in this list and it
gets into the tree, and then we come up with a better name later, clients
that use the undocumented variable will break when it is changed.
Note: "opaque" means programs should not attempt to parse the value for
that variable as it may vary greatly from one UPS to the next. These
strings are best handled directly by the user.
device: General unit information
Note: these data will be redundant with some ups.* information
during a transition period. The ups.* data will then be removed.
| Name | Description | Typical value |
| device.model | Device model | BladeUPS |
| device.mfr | Device manufacturer | Eaton |
| device.serial | Device serial number | WS9643050926 |
| | (opaque string) | |
| device.type | Device type (ups, pdu) | ups |
ups: General unit information
| Name | Description | Typical value |
| ups.status | UPS status | OL (see |
| | | new-drivers.txt) |
| ups.alarm | UPS alarms | OVERHEAT |
| ups.time | Internal UPS clock time | 12:34 |
| | (opaque string) | |
| | Internal UPS clock date | 01-02-03 |
| | (opaque string) | |
| ups.model | UPS model | SMART-UPS 700 |
| ups.mfr | UPS manufacturer | APC |
| | UPS manufacturing date | 10/17/96 |
| | (opaque string) | |
| ups.serial | UPS serial number (opaque | WS9643050926 |
| | string) | |
| ups.vendorid | Vendor ID for USB devices | 0463 |
| ups.productid | Product ID for USB devices | 0001 |
| ups.firmware | UPS firmware (opaque string) | 50.9.D |
| ups.firmware.aux | Auxiliary device firmware | 4Kx |
| ups.temperature | UPS temperature (degrees C) | 042.7 |
| ups.load | Load on UPS (percent) | 023.4 |
| ups.load.high | Load when UPS | 100 |
| | switches to overload | |
| | condition ("OVER") (percent) | |
| | UPS system identifier | Sierra |
| | (opaque string) | |
| | Interval to wait before | |
| ups.delay.start | restarting the load | 0 |
| | (seconds) | |
| ups.delay.reboot | Interval to wait before | 60 |
| | rebooting the UPS (seconds) | |
| | Interval to wait after | |
| ups.delay.shutdown | shutdown with delay command | 20 |
| | (seconds) | |
| ups.timer.start | Time before the load will be | 30 |
| | started (seconds) | |
| ups.timer.reboot | Time before the load will be | 10 |
| | rebooted (seconds) | |
| ups.timer.shutdown | Time before the load will be | 20 |
| | shutdown (seconds) | |
| ups.test.interval | Interval between self tests | 1209600 (two |
| | (seconds) | weeks) |
| ups.test.result | Results of last self test | Bad battery pack |
| | (opaque string) | |
| ups.display.language | Language to use on front | E |
| | panel (*** opaque) | |
| ups.contacts | UPS external contact sensors | F0 |
| | (*** opaque) | |
| ups.power | Current value of apparent | 500 |
| | power (Volt-Amps) | |
| ups.power.nominal | Nominal value of apparent | 500 |
| | power (Volt-Amps) | |
| ups.realpower | Current value of real | 300 |
| | power (Watts) | |
| ups.realpower.nominal | Nominal value of real | 300 |
| | power (Watts) | |
| ups.beeper.status | UPS beeper status | enabled |
| | (enabled, disabled or muted) | |
| ups.type | UPS type (*** opaque) | offline |
| ups.watchdog.status | UPS watchdog status | disabled |
| | (enabled or disabled) | |
| | UPS starts when mains is | yes |
| | (re)applied | |
| ups.start.battery | Allow to start UPS from | yes |
| | battery | |
| ups.start.reboot | UPS coldstarts from battery | yes |
| | (enabled or disabled) | |
input: Incoming line/power information
| Name | Description | Typical value |
| input.voltage | Input voltage | 121.5 |
| input.voltage.maximum | Maximum incoming voltage | 130 |
| | seen | |
| input.voltage.minimum | Minimum incoming voltage | 100 |
| | seen | |
| input.voltage.nominal | Nominal input voltage | 120 |
| input.voltage.extended | Extended input voltage | no |
| | range | |
| input.transfer.reason | Reason for last transfer | T |
| | to battery (*** opaque) | |
| input.transfer.low | Low voltage transfer point | 91 |
| input.transfer.high | High voltage transfer | 132 |
| | point | |
| input.transfer.low.min | smallest settable low | 85 |
| | voltage transfer point | |
| input.transfer.low.max | greatest settable low | 95 |
| | voltage transfer point | |
| input.transfer.high.min | smallest settable high | 131 |
| | voltage transfer point | |
| input.transfer.high.max | greatest settable high | 136 |
| | voltage transfer point | |
| input.sensitivity | Input power sensitivity | H (high) |
| input.quality | Input power quality (*** | FF |
| | opaque) | |
| input.current | Input current (A) | 4.25 |
| input.current.nominal | Nominal input current (A) | 5.0 |
| input.frequency | Input line frequency (Hz) | 60.00 |
| input.frequency.nominal | Nominal input line | 60 |
| | frequency (Hz) | |
| input.frequency.low | Input line frequency low | 47 |
| | (Hz) | |
| input.frequency.high | Input line frequency high | 63 |
| | (Hz) | |
| input.frequency.extended | Extended input frequency | no |
| | range | |
| input.transfer.boost.low | Low voltage boosting | 190 |
| | transfer point | |
| input.transfer.boost.high | High voltage boosting | 210 |
| | transfer point | |
| input.transfer.trim.low | Low voltage trimming | 230 |
| | transfer point | |
| input.transfer.trim.high | High voltage trimming | 240 |
| | transfer point | |
output: Outgoing power/inverter information
| output.voltage | Output voltage (V) | 120.9 |
| output.voltage.nominal | Nominal output voltage (V) | 120 |
| output.frequency | Output frequency (Hz) | 59.9 |
| output.frequency.nominal | Nominal output frequency (Hz) | 60 |
| output.current | Output current (A) | 4.25 |
| output.current.nominal | Nominal output current (A) | 5.0 |
Three-phase additions:
The additions for three-phase measurements would produce a very long table
due to all the combinations that are possible, so these additions are
broken down to their base components.
input.phases (3 for 3phase, absent or 1 for 1phase)
output.phases (as for input.phases)
Any input or output is considered a valid DOMAIN.
input (should really be called input.mains, but keep this for compat)
output (should really be called output.load, but keep this for compat)
Voltage, current, frequency, etc are considered to be a specification of
the measurement.
With this notation, the old 1phase naming scheme becomes DOMAIN.SPEC
Example: input.current
When in 3phase mode we need some way to specify the target for most
measurements in more detail, we call this the CONTEXT.
With this notation, the naming scheme becomes DOMAIN.CONTEXT.SPEC when
in 3phase mode.
Example: input.L1.current
L1-L2 \
L2-L3 \
L3-L1 for voltage measurements
L1-N /
L2-N /
L3-N /
L1 \
L2 for currrent and power measurements
L3 /
N - for current measurement
Valid SPECs:
Valid with/without context (ie. per phase or aggregated/averaged)
current Current (A)
current.maximum Maximum seen current (A)
current.minimum Minimum seen current (A)
peakcurrent Peak current
voltage Voltage (V)
voltage.nominal Nominal voltage (V)
voltage.maximum Maximum seen voltage (V)
voltage.minimum Minimum seen voltage (V)
power Apparent power (VA)
power.maximum Maximum seen apparent power (VA)
power.minimum Maximum seen apparent power (VA)
power.percent Percentage of apparent power related to maximum load
power.maximum.percent Max seen percentage of apparent power
power.minimum.percent Min seen percentage of apparent power
realpower Real power (W)
powerfactor Power Factor (dimensionless value between 0.00 and 1.00)
Valid without context (ie. aggregation of all phases):
frequency Frequency (Hz)
frequency.nominal Nominal frequency (Hz)
Partial Three phase - Three phase example:
input.phases: 3
input.frequency: 50.0
input.L1.current: 133.0
input.bypass.L1-L2.voltage: 398.3
output.phases: 3
output.L1.power: 35700
output.powerfactor: 0.82
Partial Three phase - One phase example:
input.phases: 3
input.L2.current: 48.2
input.N.current: 3.4
input.L3-L1.voltage: 405.4
input.frequency: 50.1
output.phases: 1
output.current: 244.2
output.voltage: 120
output.frequency.nominal: 60.0
battery: Any battery details
| battery.charge | Battery charge (percent) | 100.0 |
| battery.charge.low | Remaining battery level when | 20 |
| | UPS switches to LB (percent) | |
| battery.charge.restart | Minimum battery level for | 20 |
| | UPS restart after power-off | |
| battery.charge.warning | Battery level when UPS | |
| | switches to "Warning" state | 50 |
| | (percent) | |
| battery.voltage | Battery voltage (V) | 24.84 |
| battery.capacity | Battery capacity (Ah) | 7.2 |
| battery.current | Battery current (A) | 1.19 |
| battery.temperature | Battery temperature (degrees | 050.7 |
| | C) | |
| battery.voltage.nominal | Nominal battery voltage (V) | 024 |
| battery.runtime | Battery runtime (seconds) | 1080 |
| battery.runtime.elapsed | Elapsed battery runtime | 60 |
| | (seconds) | |
| | Remaining battery runtime | |
| battery.runtime.low | when UPS switches to LB | 180 |
| | (seconds) | |
| battery.alarm.threshold | Battery alarm threshold | 0 (immediate) |
| | Battery change date (opaque | 11/14/00 |
| | string) | |
| | Battery manufacturing date | 2005/04/02 |
| | (opaque string) | |
| battery.packs | Number of battery packs | 001 |
| battery.packs.bad | Number of bad battery packs | 000 |
| battery.type | Battery chemistry | PbAc |
| | (opaque string) | |
| | Prevent deep discharge of | yes |
| | battery | |
| battery.energysave | Switch off when running on | no |
| | battery and no/low load | |
ambient: Conditions from external probe equipment
| ambient.temperature | Ambient temperature | 25.40 |
| | (degrees C) | |
| ambient.temperature.alarm | Temperature alarm | enabled |
| | (enabled/disabled) | |
| ambient.temperature.high | Temperature threshold high | 40 |
| | (degrees C) | |
| ambient.temperature.low | Temperature threshold low | 5 |
| | (degrees C) | |
| ambient.temperature.maximum | Maximum temperature seen | 37.6 |
| | (degrees C) | |
| ambient.temperature.minimum | Minimum temperature seen | 18.1 |
| | (degrees C) | |
| ambient.humidity | Ambient relative humidity | 038.8 |
| | (percent) | |
| ambient.humidity.alarm | Relative humidity alarm | enabled |
| | (enabled/disabled) | |
| ambient.humidity.high | Relative humidity | 80 |
| | threshold high (percent) | |
| ambient.humidity.low | Relative humidity | 10 |
| | threshold high (percent) | |
| ambient.humidity.maximum | Maximum relative humidity | 60 |
| | seen (percent) | |
| ambient.humidity.minimum | Minimum relative humidity | 13 |
| | seen (percent) | |
outlet: Smart outlet management (smart on/off switch, ...)
| | Outlet system | |
| | identifier (opaque | 1 |
| | string) | |
| outlet.n.desc | Outlet description | Main outlet |
| | (opaque string) | |
| outlet.n.switch | Outlet switch control | on |
| | (on/off) | |
| outlet.n.status | Outlet switch status | on |
| | (on/off) | |
| outlet.n.switchable | Outlet switch ability | yes |
| | (yes/no) | |
| | Remaining battery level | |
| outlet.n.autoswitch.charge.low | to power off this | 90 |
| | outlet (percent) | |
| | Interval to wait before | |
| outlet.n.delay.shutdown | shutting down this | 180 |
| | outlet (seconds) | |
| | Interval to wait before | |
| outlet.n.delay.start | restarting this outlet | 120 |
| | (seconds) | |
| outlet.n.current | Current (A) | 0.19 |
| outlet.n.current.maximum | Maximum seen current | 0.56 |
| | (A) | |
| outlet.n.realpower | Current value of real | 28 |
| | power (W) | |
| outlet.n.voltage | Voltage (V) | 247.0 |
| | Power Factor | |
| outlet.n.powerfactor | (dimensionless value | 0.85 |
| | between 0 and 1) | |
| outlet.n.power | Apparent power (VA) | 46 |
driver: Internal driver information
| | Driver name | apcsmart |
| driver.version | Driver version (NUT | X.Y.Z |
| | release) | |
| driver.version.internal | Internal driver version | 1.23.45 |
| | (if tracked separately) | |
| | Parameter xxx (ups.conf or | (varies) |
| | cmdline -x) setting | |
| | Flag xxx (ups.conf or | enabled (or not |
| | cmdline -x) status | present) |
server: Internal server information
| | Server | Network UPS Tools upsd vX.Y.Z - |
| | information | |
| server.version | Server version | X.Y.Z |
Instant commands
| Name | Description |
| | Turn off the load immediately |
| load.on | Turn on the load immediately |
| shutdown.return | Turn off the load possibly after a delay |
| | and return when power is back |
| shutdown.stayoff | Turn off the load possibly after a delay |
| | and remain off even if power returns |
| shutdown.stop | Stop a shutdown in progress |
| shutdown.reboot | Shut down the load briefly while rebooting |
| | the UPS |
| shutdown.reboot.graceful | After a delay, shut down the load briefly |
| | while rebooting the UPS |
| test.panel.start | Start testing the UPS panel |
| test.panel.stop | Stop a UPS panel test |
| test.failure.start | Start a simulated power failure |
| test.failure.stop | Stop simulating a power failure |
| test.battery.start | Start a battery test |
| test.battery.start.quick | Start a "quick" battery test |
| test.battery.start.deep | Start a "deep" battery test |
| test.battery.stop | Stop the battery test |
| calibrate.start | Start runtime calibration |
| calibrate.stop | Stop runtime calibration |
| bypass.start | Put the UPS in bypass mode |
| bypass.stop | Take the UPS out of bypass mode |
| reset.input.minmax | Reset minimum and maximum input voltage |
| | status |
| reset.watchdog | Reset watchdog timer (forced reboot of |
| | load) |
| beeper.enable | Enable UPS beeper/buzzer |
| beeper.disable | Disable UPS beeper/buzzer |
| beeper.mute | Temporarily mute UPS beeper/buzzer |
| beeper.toggle | Toggle UPS beeper/buzzer |