2022-07-10 09:23:45 +02:00

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Configure options
There are a few options reviewed below that can be given to `configure`
script to tweak your compilations. See also `./configure --help` for a
current and complete listing for the current version of the codebase.
Driver selection
Serial drivers
USB drivers
Build and install the serial drivers (default: yes)
Build and install the USB drivers (default: auto-detect)
Note that you need to install the libusb development package or files,
and that both libusb 0.1 and 1.0 are supported. In case both are
available, libusb 1.0 takes precedence, and will be used by default.
It is however possible to override this default choice by explicitly
calling `--with-usb=libusb-0.1` or `--with-usb=libusb-1.0`.
If you do specify the version to use (or `yes` for auto-detection),
this option would fail if requested (or any) libusb version was not
found. The default `auto` value would not fail in such case.
SNMP drivers
Build and install the SNMP drivers (default: auto-detect)
Note that you need to install libsnmp development package or files.
In addition to the `--with-snmp` option above, this one allows to provide
a custom program name (in `PATH`) or complete pathname to `net-snmp-config`
(may have copies named per architecture, e.g. `net-snmp-config-32` and
This may be needed on build systems which support multiple architectures,
or in cases where your distribution names this program differently.
With a default value of `yes` it would mean preference of this program,
compared to information from `pkg-config`, if both are available.
XML drivers and features
Build and install the XML drivers (default: auto-detect)
Note that you need to install neon development package or files.
LLNC CHAOS Powerman driver
Build and install Powerman PDU client driver (default: auto-detect)
This allows to interact with the Powerman daemon, and the numerous
Power Distribution Units (PDU) supported by the[powerman] project.
Note that you need to install powerman development package or files.
IPMI drivers
Build and install IPMI PSU driver (default: auto-detect)
This allows to monitor numerous Power Supply Units (PSU) found on servers.
Note that you need to install freeipmi (0.8.5 or higher, for nut-scanner;
and 1.0.1 or higher, for nut-ipmipsu) development package or files.
I2C bus drivers
Build and install i2c drivers (default: auto-detect)
Note that you need to install libi2c development package or files.
Modbus drivers
Build and install modbus (Serial, TCP) drivers (default: auto-detect)
Note that you need to install libmodbus development package or files.
Manual selection of drivers
Specify exactly which driver or drivers to build and install (this
works for serial, usb, and snmp drivers, and overrides the
preceding three options).
As of the time of original writing (2010), there are 46 UPS drivers
available. Most users will only need one, a few will need two or
three, and very few people will need all of them.
To save time during the compile and disk space later on, you can
use this option to just build and install a subset of the drivers.
For example, to select `mge-shut` and `usbhid-ups`, you'd do this:
If you need to build more drivers later on, you will need to rerun
`configure` with a different list. To make it build all of the
drivers from scratch again, run `make clean` before starting.
Optional features
CGI client interface
--with-cgi (default: no)
Build and install the optional CGI programs, HTML files, and sample
CGI configuration files. This is not enabled by default, as they
are only useful on web servers. See link:data/html/README[] for additional
information on how to set up CGI programs.
Pretty documentation and man pages
--with-doc=<output-format(s)> (default: no)
Build and install NUT documentation file(s).
This feature requires AsciiDoc 8.6.3 or newer (see
The possible documentation type values are:
* `html-single` for single page HTML,
* `html-chunked` for multi-paged HTML,
* `pdf` for a PDF file, and
* `man` for the usual manpages.
Other values understood for this option are listed below:
* If the `--with-doc` argument is passed without a list, or specifies
just `=yes` or `=all`, it enables all supported formats with a `=yes`
to require them.
* An (explicit!) `--with-doc=auto` argument tries to enable all supported
formats with an `=auto` but should not fail the build if something
can not be generated.
* A `--with-doc=no` quietly skips generation of all types of documentation,
including manpages.
* `--with-doc=skip` is used to configure some of the `make distcheck*`
scenarios to re-use man page files built and distributed by the main
build and not waste time on re-generation of those.
Multiple documentation format values can be specified, separated with comma.
Each such value can be suffixed with `=yes` to require building of this one
documentation format (abort configuration if tools are missing), `=auto` to
detect and enable if we can build it on this system (and not abort if we
can not), and `=no` (or `=skip`) to explicitly skip generation of this
document format even if we do have the tools to build it.
If a document format is mentioned in the list without a suffix, then it is
treated as a `=yes` requirement.
Verbose output can be enabled using: `ASCIIDOC_VERBOSE=-v make`
Example valid formats of this flag:
* `--with-doc` without an argument, effectively same as `--with-doc=yes`
* `--with-doc=` is a valid empty list, effectively same as `--with-doc=no`
* `--with-doc=auto`
* `--with-doc=pdf,html-chunked`
* `--with-doc=man=no,pdf=auto,html-single`
Development files
--with-dev (default: no)
Build and install the upsclient and nutclient library and header files, to
build further projects against NUT (such as wmNUT client and many others).
Options for developers
--enable-check-NIT (default: no)
Add `make check-NIT` to default activity of `make check` to run the
NUT Integration Testing suite. This is potentially dangerous (e.g. due
to port conflicts when running many such tests in same environment),
so not active by default.
--enable-maintainer-mode (default: no)
Use maintainer mode to keep `` and `Makefile` in sync with
ever-changing `` content after Git updates or editing.
--enable-cppcheck (default: no)
Activate recipes for static analysis with `cppcheck` tools (if available).
I want it all!
--with-all (no default)
Build and install all of the above (the serial, USB, SNMP, XML/HTTP and
PowerMan drivers, the CGI programs and HTML files, and the upsclient
Networking transport security
--with-ssl (default: auto-detect)
--with-nss (default: auto-detect)
--with-openssl (default: auto-detect)
Enable SSL support, using either Mozilla NSS or OpenSSL.
If both are present, and nothing was specified, OpenSSL support will
be preferred.
Read link:docs/security.txt[] for instructions on SSL support.
NOTE: Currently the two implementations differ in supported features.
Networking access security
--with-wrap (default: auto-detect)
Enable libwrap (tcp-wrappers) support.
Refer to linkman:upsd[8] man page for more information.
Networking IPv6
--with-ipv6 (default: auto-detect)
Enable IPv6 support.
--with-avahi (default: auto-detect)
Build and install Avahi support, to publish NUT server availability
using mDNS protocol. This requires Avahi development files for the
Core and Client parts.
--with-libltdl (default: auto-detect)
Enable libltdl (Libtool dlopen abstraction) support.
This is required to build `nut-scanner` which loads third-party libraries
dynamically, based on requested scanning options. This allows to build and
package the tool without requiring all possible dependencies to be installed
in each run-time environment.
Other configuration options
NUT data server port
Change the TCP port used by the network code. Default is 3493
as registered with IANA.
Ancient versions of `upsd` used port 3305. NUT 2.0 and up use a
substantially different network protocol and are not able to
communicate with anything older than the 1.4 series.
If you have to monitor a mixed environment, use the last 1.4 version,
as it contains compatibility code for both the old "REQ" and the new
"GET" versions of the protocol.
Daemon user accounts
Programs started as `root` will `setuid()` to `<username>` for somewhat
safer operation. You can override this with `-u <otheruser>` in several
programs, including `upsdrvctl` (and all drivers by extension), `upsd`,
and `upsmon`. The "user" directive in `ups.conf` overrides this at run
time for the drivers.
NOTE: `upsmon` does not totally drop `root` because it may need to
initiate a shutdown. There is always at least a stub process
remaining with `root` powers. The network code runs in another
(separate) process as the new user.
The `<groupname>` is used for the permissions of some files,
particularly the hotplugging rules for USB. The idea is that the
device files for any UPS devices should be readable and writable by
members of that group.
The default value for both the username and groupname is `nobody`
(or `nogroup` on systems that have it when `configure` script runs).
This was done since it's slightly better than staying around as
`root`. Running things as `nobody` is not a good idea, since it's a
hack for NFS access. You should create at least one separate user
for this software.
If you use one of the `--with-user` and `--with-group` options, then
you have to use the other one too.
See the link:INSTALL.nut[] document and the FAQ for more on this topic.
Syslog facility
Change the facility used when writing to the log file. Read the man
page for `openlog` to get some idea of what's available on your system.
Default is `LOG_DAEMON`.
Installation directories
This is a fairly standard option with GNU autoconf, and it sets the
base path for most of the other install directories. The default
is `/usr/local/ups`, which puts everything but the state sockets in one
easy place, and does not conflict with usual distribution packaging.
If you like having things to be at more of a "system" level, setting
the prefix to `/usr/local` or even `/usr` might be better.
This sets the base path for architecture dependent files. By
default, it is the same as `<prefix>`.
Changes the location where NUT's configuration files are stored.
By default this path is `<prefix>/etc`. Setting this to `/etc/nut` or
`/etc/ups` might be useful.
The `NUT_CONFPATH` environment variable overrides this at run time.
Where executable files will be installed. Files that are normally
executed by root (`upsd`, `upsmon`, `upssched`) go to `<sbindir>`,
all others to `<bindir>`. The defaults are `<exec_prefix>/sbin` and
`<exec_prefix>/bin` respectively.
See also `--with-drvpath` below.
The UPS drivers will be installed to this path. By default they
install to `<exec_prefix>/bin`, i.e. `/usr/local/ups/bin`.
You would want a location that remains mounted when most of the system
is prepared to turn off, so some distributions package NUT drivers into
`/lib/nut` or similar. See link:config-notes.txt[] detailing how to
set up system shutdown.
The `driverpath` global directive in the `ups.conf` file overrides this
at run time.
Change the data directory, i.e., where architecture independent
read-only data is installed. By default this is `<prefix>/share`,
i.e. `/usr/local/ups/share`. At the moment, this directory only
holds two files -- the optional `cmdvartab` and `driver.list`.
Sets the base directories for the man pages. The default is
`<prefix>/man`, i.e. `/usr/local/ups/man`.
Sets the path for include files to be installed when `--with-dev` is
selected. For example, `upsclient.h` is installed here. The default
is `<prefix>/include`.
Sets the installation path for libraries. Depending on the build
configuration, this can include the `libupsclient`, `libnutclient`,
`libnutclientsub`, `libnutscan` and their pkg-config metadata (see
`--with-pkgconfig-dir` option). The default is `<exec_prefix>/lib`.
Where to install pkg-config `*.pc` files. This option only has an
effect if `--with-dev` is selected, and causes a pkg-config file to
be installed in the named location. The default is
Use `--without-pkgconfig-dir` to disable this feature altogether.
The CGI programs will be installed to this path. By default, they
install to `<exec_prefix>/cgi-bin`, which is usually
NOTE: If you set the prefix to something like `/usr`, you should set the
`cgipath` to something else, because `/usr/cgi-bin` is pretty ugly and
The CGI programs are not built or installed by default. Use
`./configure --with-cgi` to request that they are built and
HTML files will be installed to this path. By default, this is
`<prefix>/html`. Note that HTML files are only installed if
`--with-cgi` is selected.
Where to install Linux 2.4 hotplugging rules. The default is to use
`/etc/hotplug`, if that directory exists, and to not install it
otherwise. Note that this installation directory is not a
subdirectory of `<prefix>` by default. When installing NUT as a
non-root user, you may have to override this option.
Use `--without-hotplug-dir` to disable this feature altogether.
Where to install Linux 2.6 hotplugging rules, for kernels that have
the "udev" mechanism. The default is to use `/etc/udev`, if that
directory exists, and to not install it otherwise. Note that this
installation directory is not a subdirectory of `<prefix>` by
default. When installing NUT as a non-root user, you may have to
override this option.
Use `--without-udev-dir` to disable this feature altogether.
Where to install Linux systemd unit definitions. Useless and harmless
on other OSes, including Linux distributions without systemd, just adding
a little noise to configure script output.
Use `--with-systemdsystemunitdir=auto` (default) to detect the settings
using pkg-config if possible.
Use `--with-systemdsystemunitdir(=yes)` to require detection of these
settings with pkg-config, or fail configuration if not possible.
Use `--with-systemdsystemunitdir=no` to disable this feature altogether.
Where to install Linux systemd unit definitions for shutdown handling.
Useless and harmless on other OSes, including Linux distributions
without systemd, just adding a little noise to configure script output.
Use `--with-systemdshutdowndir` to detect the settings using pkg-config.
Use `--with-systemdshutdowndir=no` to disable this feature altogether.
Where to install Linux systemd configuration for tmpfiles handling (the
automatically created locations for PID, state and similar run-time files).
Useless and harmless on other OSes, including Linux distributions
without systemd, just adding a little noise to configure script output.
Use `--with-systemdtmpfilesdir` to detect the settings using pkg-config.
Use `--with-systemdtmpfilesdir=no` to disable this feature altogether.
Where to install Augeas configuration-management lenses.
Only useful and valid if you use Augeas to parse and modify configuration
files. The default is to use `/usr/share/augeas/lenses`, if that directory
exists, and to not install it otherwise.
Directories used by NUT at run-time
Changes the directory where pid files are stored. By default this is
`/var/run`. Certain programs like `upsmon` will leave files here.
Programs that normally don't have `root` powers, like the drivers and
`upsd`, write their pid files here. By default this is whatever the
statepath (below) is, as those programs should be able to write there.
The `NUT_ALTPIDPATH` environment variable overrides this at run time.
Change the default location of the state sockets created by the drivers
to interact with the data server `upsd`. Default is `/var/state/ups`.
The `NUT_STATEPATH` environment variable overrides this at run time.
Things the compiler might need to find
This option allows to provide a custom program name (in `PATH`) or a
complete pathname to `pkg-config` which describes `CFLAGS`, `LIBS` and
possibly other build-time options in `*.pc` files, to use third-party
libraries. On build systems which support multiple architectures you
may also want to set `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` to match your current build.
If you installed `libgd` in some place where your C preprocessor can't
find the header files, use this switch to add additional `-I` flags.
--with-gd-libs="-L/foo/bar -labcd -lxyz"
If your copy of `libgd` isn't linking properly, use this to give the
proper `-L` and `-l` flags to make it work. See `LIBS=` in gd's `Makefile`.
NOTE: the `--with-gd` switches are not necessary if you have gd 2.0.8
or higher installed properly. The `gdlib-config` script or pkg-config
manifest will be detected and used by default in that situation.
This option allows to provide a custom program name (in `PATH`) or
a complete pathname to `gdlib-config`. This may be needed on build
systems which support multiple architectures, or in cases where your
distribution names this program differently.
This option allows to provide a custom program name (in `PATH`) or
a complete pathname to `libusb-config` (usually delivered only for
libusb-0.1 version, but not for libusb-1.0). This may be needed on
build systems which support multiple architectures or provide several
versions of libusb, or in cases where your distribution names this
program differently.
--with-ssl-includes, --with-usb-includes, --with-snmp-includes,
--with-neon-includes, --with-libltdl-includes,
If your system doesn't have pkg-config and support for any of the above
libraries isn't found (but you know it is installed), you must specify
the compiler flags that are needed.
--with-ssl-libs, --with-usb-libs, --with-snmp-libs,
--with-neon-libs, --with-libltdl-libs
--with-powerman-libs="-L/foo/bar -labcd -lxyz"
If system doesn't have pkg-config or it fails to provides hints for
some of the settings that are needed to set it up properly and the
build in defaults are not right, you can specify the correct values
for your system here.