2022-07-10 09:23:45 +02:00

414 lines
19 KiB

# Is "egrep == grep -E" always valid? (maybe all a job for
EGREP = egrep
#EGREP = grep -E
IMAGE_FILES = images/asciidoc.png \
images/hostedby.png \
images/nut_layering.png \
images/nut-logo.png \
images/note.png \
images/warning.png \
images/blue-arrow.png \
images/simple.png \
images/advanced.png \
images/bigbox.png \
images/bizarre.png \
# Only track here the local deps
SHARED_DEPS = nut-names.txt daisychain.txt asciidoc.conf asciidoc.txt
USER_MANUAL_DEPS = acknowledgements.txt cables.txt config-notes.txt \
config-prereqs.txt ci-farm-lxc-setup.txt \
configure.txt download.txt documentation.txt features.txt history.txt \
outlets.txt scheduling.txt security.txt support.txt user-manual.txt
DEVELOPER_GUIDE_DEPS = contact-closure.txt design.txt developers.txt \
developer-guide.txt hid-subdrivers.txt macros.txt new-clients.txt \
new-drivers.txt net-protocol.txt nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt \
snmp-subdrivers.txt sock-protocol.txt
CABLES_DEPS = cables/apc-rs500-serial.txt \
cables/apc.txt cables/ge-imv-victron.txt cables/imv.txt \
cables/mgeups.txt cables/powerware.txt cables/repotec.txt \
CABLES_IMAGES = images/cables/73-0724.png images/cables/940-0024C.jpg \
images/cables/belkin-f6cx-rkm-xu-cable.jpg images/cables/Lansafecable.jpg \
images/cables/mac-940-0024C.png images/cables/mge-66049.png \
images/cables/mge-db9-rj12.jpg images/cables/mge-db9-rj45.jpg \
images/cables/mge-usb-rj45.jpg \
ALL_TXT_SRC = nut-names.txt daisychain.txt \
$(CABLES_DEPS) FAQ.txt nut-qa.txt packager-guide.txt snmp.txt \
NUT_SPELL_DICT = nut.dict
common.xsl xhtml.xsl chunked.xsl asciidoc.txt
ASCIIDOC_HTML_SINGLE = user-manual.html \
developer-guide.html \
packager-guide.html \
solaris-usb.html \
cables.html \
ASCIIDOC_HTML_CHUNKED = user-manual.chunked \
developer-guide.chunked \
packager-guide.chunked \
solaris-usb.chunked \
cables.chunked \
ASCIIDOC_PDF = user-manual.pdf \
developer-guide.pdf \
packager-guide.pdf \
solaris-usb.pdf \
cables.pdf \
SUBDIRS = man cables
SUFFIXES = .txt .html .pdf -spellchecked
all: doc
# This list is defined by configure script choices and options:
check-local: @DOC_CHECK_LIST@
# This list is defined by configure script choices and options:
# This target can be called by developers to go around the configure
# script choices at their risk (e.g. missing tools are possible):
docs: pdf html-single html-chunked man-man html-man
all-docs: docs
check-docs: check-pdf check-html-single check-html-chunked check-man
# also build the HTML manpages with these targets
html-single: $(ASCIIDOC_HTML_SINGLE)
html-chunked: $(ASCIIDOC_HTML_CHUNKED)
# the "for" loops might better use $^ but it might be not portable
check-pdf: $(ASCIIDOC_PDF)
@FAILED=""; LANG=C; LC_ALL=C; export LANG; export LC_ALL; \
for F in $(ASCIIDOC_PDF) ; do \
test -s "$$F" && { file "$$F" | $(EGREP) -i 'PDF document' > /dev/null ; } || FAILED="$$FAILED $$F" ; \
done; if test -n "$$FAILED" ; then \
echo "FAILED PDF sanity check for:$$FAILED" >&2 ; file $$FAILED >&2 ; exit 1; \
fi; echo "PASSED PDF sanity check"; exit 0
check-html-single: $(ASCIIDOC_HTML_SINGLE)
@FAILED=""; LANG=C; LC_ALL=C; export LANG; export LC_ALL; \
for F in $(ASCIIDOC_HTML_SINGLE) ; do \
test -s "$$F" && { file "$$F" | $(EGREP) -i '(XML|HTML.*document)' > /dev/null ; } || FAILED="$$FAILED $$F" ; \
done; if test -n "$$FAILED" ; then \
echo "FAILED HTML-single sanity check for:$$FAILED" >&2 ; file $$FAILED >&2 ; exit 1; \
fi; echo "PASSED HTML-single sanity check"; exit 0
check-html-chunked: $(ASCIIDOC_HTML_CHUNKED)
@FAILED=""; LANG=C; LC_ALL=C; export LANG; export LC_ALL; \
for F in "$$D"/*.html ; do \
test -s "$$F" && { file "$$F" | $(EGREP) -i '(XML|HTML.*document)' > /dev/null ; } || FAILED="$$FAILED $$F" ; \
done; \
for F in "$$D"/*.css ; do \
test -s "$$F" && { $(EGREP) -i 'CSS stylesheet' "$$F" > /dev/null ; } || FAILED="$$FAILED $$F" ; \
done; \
done; if test -n "$$FAILED" ; then \
echo "FAILED HTML-chunked sanity check for:$$FAILED" >&2 ; file $$FAILED >&2 ; exit 1; \
fi; echo "PASSED HTML-chunked sanity check"; exit 0
# Note: usually the results from man-page check will be reported twice:
# once as a SUBDIRS child makefile, and once via DOC_CHECK_LIST expansion
# Note: default `make all` in the man directory caters to drivers etc.
# chosen during configure script execution. The "all-man" and "all-html"
# rules build everything documented.
check-man all-man man-man all-html html-man:
cd $(top_builddir)/docs/man/ && $(MAKE) -f Makefile $@
cd $(top_builddir)/docs/man/ && $(MAKE) -f Makefile all
CLEANFILES = *.xml *.html *.pdf *-spellchecked docbook-xsl.css
# Dirs to clean
rm -rf *.chunked *.bak tmp
### TODO: automatic dependency generation
# Add other directory deps (not for local EXTRA_DIST) and generated contents
../INSTALL.nut ../UPGRADING ../TODO ../scripts/ufw/README
../scripts/augeas/README ../TODO ../lib/README \
user-manual.html user-manual.chunked user-manual.pdf: $(FULL_USER_MANUAL_DEPS)
developer-guide.html developer-guide.chunked developer-guide.pdf: $(FULL_DEVELOPER_GUIDE_DEPS)
packager-guide.html packager-guide.chunked packager-guide.pdf: packager-guide.txt asciidoc.conf
solaris-usb.html solaris-usb.chunked solaris-usb.pdf: solaris-usb.txt asciidoc.conf
# Note: without the "-v", asciidoc (circa 8.6.2) sometimes hangs when
# generating the chunked HTML. In this case, export the environment
# variable ASCIIDOC_VERBOSE to "-v", ie:
--attribute=icons \
--xsltproc-opts="--nonet" \
--xsltproc-opts="--stringparam nut.localdate \"`TZ=UTC date +%Y-%m-%d`\"" \
--xsltproc-opts="--stringparam nut.localtime \"`TZ=UTC date +%H:%M:%S`\"" \
--xsltproc-opts="--stringparam nut.nutversion \"@PACKAGE_VERSION@\"" \
--attribute=iconsdir="$(srcdir)/images" \
--attribute=badges \
--attribute=external_title \
--attribute=tree_version="@TREE_VERSION@" \
-a toc -a numbered --destination-dir=$${A2X_OUTDIR}
# NOTE: a2x newer than 8.6.8 says "--destination-dir" is only valid for HTML.
# As of version 8.6.9 it lies, and the argument is required for our distcheck
# (and does affect PDF builds, as found during work on collision-avoidance -
# true with at least asciidoc/a2x versions 9.0.0rc2).
# For more details see issues
# and (in short, attempts
# to "fix" this warning broke NUT build). If this is to be retried later, see
# and do not forget to fix up docs/man/ too ;)
# NOTE: a2x tends to copy some files into its working area, preserving original
# permissions. If those files are read-only in origin (e.g. packaged stylesheet
# or our resources coming from EXTRA_DIST) the next a2x can not overwrite it.
# Also note that such hoarding of files has potential to break parallel builds
# (or cause them to produce undefined results if some bad timing happens).
# As a brutal workaround for the former problem, we chmod. For second one we
# might try magic with .SEQUENTIAL recipe hints, but that is gmake-dependent.
# Note that empirically it treats "destination-dir" as the source root for
# PDF generation (even though it claims the argument is ignored for non-HTML
# targets) so we have to provide the "images/" in this case. ONLY for PDF!
# Note we only remove the original target (if present), if it is a directory -
# e.g. created by "html-chunked" targets.
if test -n "$${A2X_OUTDIR}" && test "$${A2X_OUTDIR}" != '.' ; then \
rm -rf "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" || true ; \
test -d "$@" && rm -rf "$@" || true ; \
mkdir -p "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" || exit ; \
case "$${A2X_OUTDIR}" in \
tmp/pdf.*) ln -s ../../images "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" ;; \
esac; \
else A2X_OUTDIR='.' ; fi; \
if test -s "${builddir}/docbook-xsl.css" \
&& test -r "${builddir}/docbook-xsl.css" \
&& ! test -w "${builddir}/docbook-xsl.css" \
; then chmod u+w "${builddir}/docbook-xsl.css" ; fi ; \
chmod -R u+w "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" || true; \
# When moving "*" hope a2x did not make any "hidden" files
# like ".*" that would be required for resulting documents.
# Leave the "images/" dir there, though.
# Otherwise, we would have to `find` them all.
if test -n "$${A2X_OUTDIR}" && test "$${A2X_OUTDIR}" != '.' ; then \
chmod -R u+w "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" || true; \
test -d "$@" && rm -rf "$@" || true ; \
mv -f "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}/$(@F)" ./ || exit ; \
mv -f "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}/"*.* ./ 2>/dev/null || true ; \
rm -rf "./$${A2X_OUTDIR}" ; \
fi ; \
# PORTABILITY NOTE: POSIX Make forbids the suffix rule definitions with
# prerequisites like done below, and GNU Make of some versions complains;
# says the prerequisites were ignored while a suffix rule was created;
# eventually the POSIX stance would be taken to define a rule for a weird
# verbatim target file name with prerequisites:
# ../docs/Makefile:936: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
# Changes from ".txt.pdf: docinfo.xml" to "*.pdf: docinfo.xml" = ".txt.pdf:"
# as done below may be pointless in the end (with regard to a portable way
# to trigger builds by a changed dependency), but at least predictable and
# not toxic.
*.html: common.xsl xhtml.xsl
@A2X_OUTDIR="tmp/html-single.$(@F).$$$$" ; \
echo " DOC-HTML Generating $@"; \
$(A2X) $(A2X_COMMON_OPTS) --attribute=xhtml11_format --format=xhtml --xsl-file=$(srcdir)/xhtml.xsl $< || RES=$$? ; \
$(DOCBUILD_END) ; exit $$RES
*.chunked: common.xsl chunked.xsl
@A2X_OUTDIR="tmp/html-chunked.$(@F).$$$$" ; \
echo " DOC-HTML-CHUNKED Generating $@"; \
$(A2X) $(A2X_COMMON_OPTS) --attribute=chunked_format --format=chunked --xsl-file=$(srcdir)/chunked.xsl $< || RES=$$? ; \
$(DOCBUILD_END) ; exit $$RES
# Note: non-HTML a2x modes may ignore the destination directory
*.pdf: docinfo.xml
@A2X_OUTDIR="tmp/pdf.$(@F).$$$$" ; \
echo " DOC-PDF Generating $@"; \
$(A2X) $(A2X_COMMON_OPTS) --attribute=pdf_format --format=pdf -a docinfo1 $< || RES=$$? ; \
$(DOCBUILD_END) ; exit $$RES
# Non-interactively spell check all documentation source files.
# This is useful for Buildbot and automated QA processing
# FIXME: how to present output (std{out,err}, single file or per target)?
# NOTE: ../ChangeLog is nowadays generated from commit messages, so
# its spelling (or errors in that) are not fixable and thus irrelevant.
# Similarly for the ../INSTALL file that is prepared by autoconf and not
# tracked as a source file by NUT Git repository.
../TODO ../scripts/ufw/README ../scripts/augeas/README ../lib/README \
../tools/nut-scanner/README \
# Directory SPELLCHECK_SRC files are relative to. Overriden by other Makefiles.
SPELLCHECK_DIR = $(srcdir)
# Note: de-facto our documentation is beyond ASCII (at least in names of
# international committers). The grep tests below look if the aspell output
# contained something other than the OK lines (tagged with asterisk) and
# aspell's version (tagged with @) and if it did - those lines must be the
# spellcheck complaints. Empty OUT is ok.
# We also must indent the input, because certain piped-in characters are
# interpreted as commands, and seems this feature can not be turned off.
# See also
# TODO: Is "grep -a" or "grep -b" (treat input as ascii/bin) portable enough?
# Set SPELLCHECK_ERROR_FATAL=no if there are some unavoidable issues
# due to spellchecking, to temporarily not fail builds due to this.
# For Travis CI in particular, see in NUT codebase root.
ASPELL_NUT_COMMON_ARGS += -d en --lang=en --ignore-accents
ASPELL_NUT_COMMON_ARGS += --encoding=utf-8
ASPELL_OUT_NOTERRORS = (^[ \t]*[\*\@]|^$$)
# WARNING: The percent wildcard is a GNU extension; otherwise we need
# a ".txt.txt-spellchecked" type of rule and files like "README" all
# renamed to *.txt, or lots of rules for files without the extensions
# Other Makefiles have a relatively simple life, dealing with just a
# few texts and name/extension patterns in their directories.
#?#.txt.txt-spellchecked: $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
#%-spellchecked: % $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
#*-spellchecked */*-spellchecked: $(@:-spellchecked=) $(top_srcdir)/docs/ $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
# NOTE: This portable rule RELIES on just one SPELLCHECK_SRC defined
# at a time, with an outer Makefile caller ensuring the looping:
$(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$(SPELLCHECK_SRC_ONE)-spellchecked: $(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$(SPELLCHECK_SRC_ONE) $(abs_top_srcdir)/docs/ $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
@LANG=C; LC_ALL=C; export LANG; export LC_ALL; \
rm -f "$@" || true ; \
echo " ASPELL Spell checking on $(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$(SPELLCHECK_SRC_ONE)"; \
OUT="`(sed 's,^\(.*\)$$, \1,' | $(ASPELL) -a -t $(ASPELL_NUT_COMMON_ARGS) 2>&1) < "$(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$(SPELLCHECK_SRC_ONE)"`" \
&& { if test -n "$$OUT" ; then OUT="`echo "$$OUT" | $(EGREP) -b -v '$(ASPELL_OUT_NOTERRORS)' `" ; fi; \
test -z "$$OUT" ; } \
|| { RES=$$? ; \
echo "FAILED : Aspell reported errors here:" >&2 \
&& echo "----- vvv" >&2 \
&& echo "$$OUT" >&2 \
&& echo "----- ^^^" >&2 ; \
exit $$RES; } ; \
touch "$@"
@if test "$(SPELLCHECK_ENV_DEBUG)" != no ; then \
echo "ASPELL DEBUG : information about the setup follows:"; \
$(ASPELL) --help || true; \
dpkg -l |grep -i aspell || true ; \
echo "ASPELL automatic execution line is : ( sed 's,^\(.*\)$$, \1,' < docfile.txt | $(ASPELL) -a -t $(ASPELL_NUT_COMMON_ARGS) | $(EGREP) -b -v '$(ASPELL_OUT_NOTERRORS)' )" ; \
echo "ASPELL proceeding to spellchecking job..."; \
else true; fi
@FAILED="" ; LANG=C; LC_ALL=C; export LANG; export LC_ALL; \
for docsrc in $(SPELLCHECK_SRC); do \
if test "$(SPELLCHECK_ENV_DEBUG)" != no ; then \
echo "ASPELL MAKEFILE DEBUG: Will see from `pwd` if '$(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$${docsrc}-spellchecked' is up to date" >&2; \
else true ; fi ; \
$(MAKE) -s -f "$(abs_top_builddir)/docs/Makefile" SPELLCHECK_SRC_ONE="$${docsrc}" SPELLCHECK_DIR="$(SPELLCHECK_DIR)" "$(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$${docsrc}-spellchecked" \
|| FAILED="$$FAILED $(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$$docsrc"; \
done ; \
if test -n "$$FAILED" ; then \
echo "=====================================================================" ; \
echo "FAILED automatic spellcheck for the following sources (relative to `pwd`): $$FAILED" ; \
echo "=====================================================================" ; \
echo "Please 'cd $(abs_top_builddir) && make spellcheck-interactive'"; \
echo "to either fix document sources or update the dictionary of accepted"; \
echo "words and spellings listed in the '$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)' file there."; \
echo "Either way, please follow up by posting a pull request or a patch"; \
echo "to integrate your fixes into the common NUT codebase."; \
echo "=====================================================================" ; \
test x"$(SPELLCHECK_ERROR_FATAL)" = xno || exit 1; \
echo "NOTE: SPELLCHECK_ERROR_FATAL == no so this make does not break the build!"; \
echo "=====================================================================" ; \
fi >&2 ; exit 0
# Interactively spell check all documentation source files below (so a human
# can edit the documentation errors and/or add words to custom dictionary).
# Note that here we do not restrain reported issues, so this might catch more
# than the automated test above.
spellcheck-sortdict: $(abs_builddir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT).sorted
# Note that the source file may be not overwritable (distcheck, cdrom, ...),
# so we'd ignore that failure. But the practical use-case is a developer's
# in-tree workspace, so we want the working copy of the dictionary fixed up
# for easy `git diff`ing if possible.
# Note also that "$(<F)" is not POSIX portable, so we spell out the name var :(
$(abs_builddir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT).sorted: $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
@cp -pf $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT) $(abs_builddir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT).bak-pre-sorting
WORDLIST="`tail -n +2 < "$<" | sort | uniq`"; \
WORDCOUNT="`echo "$$WORDLIST" | wc -l`"; \
head -1 < "$<" | while read P L C E ; do echo "$$P $$L $$WORDCOUNT $$E"; break; done ; \
echo "$$WORDLIST"; \
) > "$@"
@cp -f "$@" "$(abs_builddir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)"
@if [ "$(abs_builddir)" != "$(abs_srcdir)" ] ; then \
cp -f "$@" "$<" || true ; \
cp -f "$(abs_builddir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT).bak-pre-sorting" "$(abs_srcdir)/" || true ; \
DISTCLEANFILES = $(NUT_SPELL_DICT).bak-pre-sorting .$(NUT_SPELL_DICT).sorted $(NUT_SPELL_DICT).sorted
@FAILED="" ; for docsrc in $(SPELLCHECK_SRC); do \
echo "Spell checking on $(SPELLCHECK_DIR)/$$docsrc"; \
done ; \
if test -n "$$FAILED" ; then \
echo "FAILED interactive spellcheck for the following sources (relative to `pwd`): $$FAILED" >&2 ; \
exit 1; \
fi ; exit 0
$(MAKE) spellcheck-sortdict
@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
echo "Custom dictionary file $(NUT_SPELL_DICT) may have been updated now."; \
echo "Use 'git add -p docs/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT) && git checkout -- docs/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT) && make spellcheck-sortdict && git add -p docs/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)'"; \
echo "to review changes (please DO NOT REMOVE LINES that aspell chose to drop,"; \
echo "because other systems might not know these words in their system dictionaries)"; \
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# This rule woulf probably just fail; normally with no ASPELL there are no callers for it
*/*-spellchecked *-spellchecked: $(abs_srcdir)/$(NUT_SPELL_DICT)
@echo " SKIP-ASPELL $@ : Documentation spell check not available since 'aspell' was not found." >&2
@echo "Documentation spell check not available since 'aspell' was not found."
@echo "Documentation spell check not available since 'aspell' was not found."
.PHONY: html html-chunked html-single pdf man