/* * powercom.c - model specific routines for following units: * -Trust 425/625 * -Powercom * -Advice Partner/King PR750 * See http://www.advice.co.il/product/inter/ups.html for its specifications. * This model is based on PowerCom (www.powercom.com) models. * -Socomec Sicon Egys 420 * * $Id: powercom.c 2336 2010-02-11 20:16:43Z adkorte-guest $ * * Copyrights: * (C) 2002 Simon Rozman * (C) 1999 Peter Bieringer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * rev 0.7: Alexey Sidorov * - add Powercom's Black Knight Pro model support ( BNT-400/500/600/800/801/1000/1200/1500/2000AP 220-240V ) * * rev 0.8: Alexey Sidorov * - add Powercom's King Pro model support ( KIN-425/525/625/800/1000/1200/1500/1600/2200/3000/5000AP[-RM] 100-120,200-240 V) * * rev 0.9: Alexey Sidorov * - add Powercom's Imperial model support ( IMP-xxxAP, IMD-xxxAP ) * * rev 0.10: Alexey Sidorov * - fix wrong detection KIN-2200AP * - use ser_set_dtr/ser_set_rts * * rev 0.11: Alexey Sidorov * - move variables from .h to .c file (thanks Michael Tokarev for bugreport) * - fix string comparison (thanks Michael Tokarev for bugreport & Charles Lepple for patch) * - added BNT-other, for BNT 100-120V models (I havn't specs for it) * * Tested on: BNT-1200AP * * Known bugs: * - strange battery level on BNT1200AP in online mode( & may be on other models) * - i don't know how connect to IMP|IMD USB * - i havn't specs for BNT 100-120V models. Add BNT-other type for it */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #include "powercom.h" #include "math.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "PowerCom protocol UPS driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.12" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Simon Rozman \n" \ "Peter Bieringer \n" \ "Alexey Sidorov ", DRV_STABLE, { NULL } }; #define NUM_OF_SUBTYPES (sizeof (types) / sizeof (*types)) /* general constants */ enum general { MAX_NUM_OF_BYTES_FROM_UPS = 16 }; /* variables used by module */ static unsigned char raw_data[MAX_NUM_OF_BYTES_FROM_UPS]; /* raw data reveived from UPS */ static unsigned int linevoltage = 230U; /* line voltage, can be defined via command line option */ static const char *manufacturer = "PowerCom"; static const char *modelname = "Unknown"; static const char *serialnumber = "Unknown"; static unsigned int type = 0; /* forward declaration of functions used to setup flow control */ static void dtr0rts1 (void); static void no_flow_control (void); /* struct defining types */ static struct type types[] = { { "Trust", 11, { "dtr0rts1", dtr0rts1 }, { { 5U, 0U }, { 7U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 0U, 10U }, 'n' }, { 0.00020997, 0.00020928 }, { 6.1343, -0.3808, 4.3110, 0.1811 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 4.5639, -835.82 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.9545, 0.0000 }, }, { "Egys", 16, { "no_flow_control", no_flow_control }, { { 5U, 0x80U }, { 7U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 0U, 10U }, 'n' }, { 0.00020997, 0.00020928 }, { 6.1343, -0.3808, 1.3333, 0.6667 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 2.2105, -355.37 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.9545, 0.0000 }, }, { "KP625AP", 16, { "dtr0rts1", dtr0rts1 }, { { 5U, 0x80U }, { 7U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 0U, 10U }, 'n' }, { 0.00020997, 0.00020928 }, { 6.1343, -0.3808, 4.3110, 0.1811 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 4.5639, -835.82 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.9545, 0.0000 }, }, { "IMP", 16, { "no_flow_control", no_flow_control }, { { 5U, 0xFFU }, { 7U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 1U, 30U }, 'y' }, { 0.00020997, 0.00020928 }, { 6.1343, -0.3808, 4.3110, 0.1811 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 4.5639, -835.82 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.9545, 0.0000 }, }, { "KIN", 16, { "no_flow_control", no_flow_control }, { { 11U, 0x4bU }, { 8U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 1U, 30U }, 'y' }, { 0.00020997, 0.0 }, { 6.1343, -0.3808, 1.075, 0.1811 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 0.46511, 0 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.82857, 0.0000 }, }, { "BNT", 16, { "no_flow_control", no_flow_control }, { { 11U, 0x42U }, { 8U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 1U, 30U }, 'y' }, { 0.00020803, 0.0 }, { 1.4474, 0.0, 0.8594, 0.0 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 0.46511, 0 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.82857, 0.0000 }, }, { "BNT-other", 16, { "no_flow_control", no_flow_control }, { { 8U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U }, { 8U, 0U } }, { { 1U, 30U }, 'y' }, { 0.00020803, 0.0 }, { 1.4474, 0.0, 0.8594, 0.0 }, { 5.0000, 0.3268, -825.00, 0.46511, 0 }, { 1.9216, -0.0977, 0.82857, 0.0000 }, }, }; /* values for sending to UPS */ enum commands { SEND_DATA = '\x01', BATTERY_TEST = '\x03', WAKEUP_TIME = '\x04', RESTART = '\xb9', SHUTDOWN = '\xba', COUNTER = '\xbc' }; /* location of data in received string */ enum data { UPS_LOAD = 0U, BATTERY_CHARGE = 1U, INPUT_VOLTAGE = 2U, OUTPUT_VOLTAGE = 3U, INPUT_FREQUENCY = 4U, UPSVERSION = 5U, OUTPUT_FREQUENCY = 6U, STATUS_A = 9U, STATUS_B = 10U, MODELNAME = 11U, MODELNUMBER = 12U }; /* status bits */ enum status { SUMMARY = 0U, MAINS_FAILURE = 1U, ONLINE = 1U, FAULT = 1U, LOW_BAT = 2U, BAD_BAT = 2U, TEST = 4U, AVR_ON = 8U, AVR_MODE = 16U, SD_COUNTER = 16U, OVERLOAD = 32U, SHED_COUNTER = 32U, DIS_NOLOAD = 64U, SD_DISPLAY = 128U, OFF = 128U }; unsigned int voltages[]={100,110,115,120,0,0,0,200,220,230,240}; unsigned int BNTmodels[]={0,400,500,600,800,801,1000,1200,1500,2000}; unsigned int KINmodels[]={0,425,500,525,625,800,1000,1200,1500,1600,2200,2200,2500,3000,5000}; unsigned int IMPmodels[]={0,425,525,625,825,1025,1200,1500,2000}; /* * local used functions */ static void shutdown_halt(void) { ser_send_char (upsfd, SHUTDOWN); if (types[type].shutdown_arguments.minutesShouldBeUsed != 'n') ser_send_char (upsfd, types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[0]); ser_send_char (upsfd, types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[1]); upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Shutdown (stayoff) initiated."); exit (0); } static void shutdown_ret(void) { ser_send_char (upsfd, RESTART); ser_send_char (upsfd, COUNTER); if (types[type].shutdown_arguments.minutesShouldBeUsed != 'n') ser_send_char (upsfd, types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[0]); ser_send_char (upsfd, types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[1]); upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Shutdown (return) initiated."); exit (0); } /* registered instant commands */ static int instcmd (const char *cmdname, const char *extra) { if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.battery.start")) { ser_send_char (upsfd, BATTERY_TEST); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.return")) { shutdown_ret(); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.stayoff")) { shutdown_halt(); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "instcmd: unknown command [%s]", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } /* set DTR and RTS lines on a serial port to supply a passive * serial interface: DTR to 0 (-V), RTS to 1 (+V) */ static void dtr0rts1 (void) { ser_set_dtr(upsfd, 0); ser_set_rts(upsfd, 1); upsdebugx(2, "DTR => 0, RTS => 1"); } /* clear any flow control */ static void no_flow_control (void) { struct termios tio; tcgetattr (upsfd, &tio); tio.c_iflag &= ~ (IXON | IXOFF); tio.c_cc[VSTART] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; tio.c_cc[VSTOP] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; upsdebugx(2, "Flow control disable"); /* disable any flow control */ tcsetattr(upsfd, TCSANOW, &tio); } /* sane check for returned buffer */ static int validate_raw_data (void) { int i = 0, num_of_tests = sizeof types[0].validation / sizeof types[0].validation[0]; for (i = 0; i < num_of_tests && raw_data[ types[type].validation[i].index_of_byte] == types[type].validation[i].required_value; i++) ; return (i < num_of_tests) ? 1 : 0; } /* get info from ups */ static int ups_getinfo(void) { int i, c; /* send trigger char to UPS */ if (ser_send_char (upsfd, SEND_DATA) != 1) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "writing error"); dstate_datastale(); return 0; } else { upsdebugx(5, "Num of bytes requested for reading from UPS: %d", types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups); c = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, raw_data, types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups, 3, 0); if (c != types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "data receiving error (%d instead of %d bytes)", c, types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups); dstate_datastale(); return 0; } else upsdebugx(5, "Num of bytes received from UPS: %d", c); }; /* optional dump of raw data */ if (nut_debug_level > 4) { printf("Raw data from UPS:\n"); for (i = 0; i < types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups; i++) { printf("%2d 0x%02x (%c)\n", i, raw_data[i], raw_data[i]>=0x20 ? raw_data[i] : ' '); }; }; /* validate raw data for correctness */ if (validate_raw_data() != 0) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "data receiving error (validation check)"); dstate_datastale(); return 0; }; return 1; } static float input_voltage(void) { unsigned int model; float tmp=0.0; if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") && raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16 > 7 ) { tmp=2.2*raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]-24; } else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) { model=KINmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; if (model<=625){ tmp=1.79*raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]+3.35; } else if (model<2000){ tmp=1.61*raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]; } else { tmp=1.625*raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]; } } else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) { tmp=raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]*2.0; } else { tmp=linevoltage >= 220 ? types[type].voltage[0] * raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE] + types[type].voltage[1] : types[type].voltage[2] * raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE] + types[type].voltage[3]; } if (tmp<0) tmp=0.0; return tmp; } static float output_voltage(void) { float tmp,rdatax,rdatay,rdataz,boostdata; unsigned int statINV = 0,statAVR = 0,statAVRMode = 0,model,t; static float datax[]={0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.89,1.89,1.89,0.127,0.127,1.89,1.89,1.89,0.256}; static float datay[]={0,1.73,1.74,1.74,1.77,0.9,0.9,0.9,13.204,13.204,0.88,0.88,0.88,6.645}; static float dataz[]={0,1.15,0.9,0.9,0.75,1.1,1.1,1.1,0.8,0.8,0.86,0.86,0.86,0.7}; if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") || !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) { statINV=raw_data[STATUS_A] & ONLINE; statAVR=raw_data[STATUS_A] & AVR_ON; statAVRMode=raw_data[STATUS_A] & AVR_MODE; } if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") && raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16 > 7 ) { if (statINV==0) { if (statAVR==0){ tmp=2.2*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]-24; } else { if (statAVRMode > 0) tmp=(2.2*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]-24)*31/27; else tmp=(2.22*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]-24)*27/31; } } else { t=raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY]/2; tmp=(1.965*raw_data[15])*(1.965*raw_data[15])*(t-raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE])/t; if (tmp>0) tmp=sqrt(tmp); else tmp=0.0; } } else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) { model=KINmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; if (statINV==0) { if (statAVR==0) { if (model<=625) tmp=1.79*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]+3.35; else if (model<2000) tmp=1.61*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; else tmp=1.625*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; } else { if (statAVRMode > 0){ if (model<=525) tmp=2.07*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; else if (model==625) tmp=2.07*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]+5; else if (model<2000) tmp=1.87*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; else tmp=1.87*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; } else { if (model<=625) tmp=1.571*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; else if (model<2000) tmp=1.37*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; else tmp=1.4*raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]; } } } else { rdatax=datax[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; rdatay=datay[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; rdataz=dataz[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; boostdata=1.0+statAVR*20.0/135.0; t=raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY]/2; tmp=0; if (model>625){ tmp=(raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]*rdatax)*(raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]*rdatax)* (t-raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE])/t; if (tmp>0) tmp=sqrt(tmp)*rdatay*boostdata-raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*rdataz*boostdata; } else { tmp=(raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]*rdatax-raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*rdataz)* (raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]*rdatax-raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*rdataz)* (t-raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE])/t; if (tmp>0) tmp=sqrt(tmp)*rdatay; } } } else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) { tmp=raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]*2.0; } else { tmp= linevoltage >= 220 ? types[type].voltage[0] * raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE] + types[type].voltage[1] : types[type].voltage[2] * raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE] + types[type].voltage[3]; } if (tmp<0) tmp=0.0; return tmp; } static float input_freq(void) { if ( !strncmp(types[type].name, "BNT",3) || !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) return 4807.0/raw_data[INPUT_FREQUENCY]; else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) return raw_data[INPUT_FREQUENCY]; return raw_data[INPUT_FREQUENCY] ? 1.0 / (types[type].freq[0] * raw_data[INPUT_FREQUENCY] + types[type].freq[1]) : 0; } static float output_freq(void) { if ( !strncmp(types[type].name, "BNT",3) || !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) return 4807.0/raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY]; else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) return raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY]; return raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY] ? 1.0 / (types[type].freq[0] * raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY] + types[type].freq[1]) : 0; } static float load_level(void) { unsigned int statINV,model,voltage; int load425[]={99,88,84,80,84,84,84,86,86,81,76}; int load525[]={127,113,106,100,106,106,106,109,109,103,97}; int load625[]={131,115,107,103,107,107,107,110,110,105,99}; int load2k[] ={94,94,94,94,94,94,94,120,120,115,110}; int load425i[]={60,54,51,48,51,51,51,53,53,50,48}; int load525i[]={81,72,67,62,67,67,67,65,65,62,59}; int load625i[]={79,70,67,64,67,67,67,65,65,61,58}; int load2ki[] ={84,77,74,70,74,74,74,77,77,74,70}; int load400[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,88,83,87}; int load500[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,108,103,98}; int load600[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,128,123,118}; int load400i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,54,52,49}; int load500i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,66,64,61}; int load600i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,86,84,81}; int load801i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,44,42,40}; int load1000i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,56,54,52}; int load1200i[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,76,74,72}; if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") && raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16 > 7 ) { statINV=raw_data[STATUS_A] & ONLINE; voltage=raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16; model=BNTmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; if (statINV==0){ if (model==400 || model==801) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load400[voltage]; else if (model==600 || model==1200) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load600[voltage]; else return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load500[voltage]; } else { switch (model) { case 400: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load400i[voltage]; case 500: case 800: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load500i[voltage]; case 600: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load600i[voltage]; case 801: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load801i[voltage]; case 1200: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load1200i[voltage]; case 1000: case 1500: case 2000: return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load1000i[voltage]; } } } else if (!strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) { statINV=raw_data[STATUS_A] & ONLINE; voltage=raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16; model=KINmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; if (statINV==0){ if (model==425) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load425[voltage]; if (model==525) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load525[voltage]; if (model==625) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load625[voltage]; if (model<2000) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*1.13; if (model>=2000) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load2k[voltage]; } else { if (model==425) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load425i[voltage]; if (model==525) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load525i[voltage]; if (model==625) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load625i[voltage]; if (model<2000) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*1.66; if (model>=2000) return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]*110.0/load2ki[voltage]; } } else if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) { return raw_data[UPS_LOAD]; } return raw_data[STATUS_A] & MAINS_FAILURE ? types[type].loadpct[0] * raw_data[UPS_LOAD] + types[type].loadpct[1] : types[type].loadpct[2] * raw_data[UPS_LOAD] + types[type].loadpct[3]; } static float batt_level(void) { int bat0,bat29,bat100,model; float battval; if ( !strncmp(types[type].name, "BNT",3) ) { bat0=157; bat29=165; bat100=193; battval=(raw_data[UPS_LOAD])/4+raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]; if (battval<=bat0) return 0.0; if (battval>bat0 && battval<=bat29) return (battval-bat0)*30.0/(bat29-bat0); if (battval>bat29 && battval<=bat100) return 30.0+(battval-bat29)*70.0/(bat100-bat29); return 100.0; } if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN")) { model=KINmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; if (model>=800 && model<=2000){ battval=(raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]-165.0)*2.6; if (raw_data[STATUS_A] & ONLINE) return battval+raw_data[UPS_LOAD]; if (battval>7) return battval-6; return battval; } else if (model<=625){ battval=raw_data[UPS_LOAD]/4.0+raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]; bat0=169; bat29=176; bat100=204; } else { battval=raw_data[UPS_LOAD]/4.0-raw_data[UPS_LOAD]/32.0+raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]; bat0=175; bat29=182; bat100=209; } if (battval<=bat0) return 0; if (battval>bat0 && battval<=bat29) return (battval-bat0)*30.0/(bat29-bat0); if (battval>bat29 && battval<=bat100) return 30.0+(battval-bat29)*70.0/(bat100-bat29); return 100; } if ( !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) return raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]; return raw_data[STATUS_A] & ONLINE ? types[type].battpct[0] * raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE] + types[type].battpct[1] * load_level() + types[type].battpct[2] : types[type].battpct[3] * raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE] + types[type].battpct[4]; } /* * global used functions */ /* update information */ void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { char val[32]; if (!ups_getinfo()){ return; } /* input.frequency */ upsdebugx(3, "input.frequency (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[INPUT_FREQUENCY]); dstate_setinfo("input.frequency", "%02.2f", input_freq()); upsdebugx(2, "input.frequency: %s", dstate_getinfo("input.frequency")); /* output.frequency */ upsdebugx(3, "output.frequency (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[OUTPUT_FREQUENCY]); dstate_setinfo("output.frequency", "%02.2f", output_freq()); upsdebugx(2, "output.frequency: %s", dstate_getinfo("output.frequency")); /* ups.load */ upsdebugx(3, "ups.load (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[UPS_LOAD]); dstate_setinfo("ups.load", "%03.1f", load_level()); upsdebugx(2, "ups.load: %s", dstate_getinfo("ups.load")); /* battery.charge */ upsdebugx(3, "battery.charge (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[BATTERY_CHARGE]); dstate_setinfo("battery.charge", "%03.1f", batt_level()); upsdebugx(2, "battery.charge: %s", dstate_getinfo("battery.charge")); /* input.voltage */ upsdebugx(3, "input.voltage (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[INPUT_VOLTAGE]); dstate_setinfo("input.voltage", "%03.1f",input_voltage()); upsdebugx(2, "input.voltage: %s", dstate_getinfo("input.voltage")); /* output.voltage */ upsdebugx(3, "output.voltage (raw data): [raw: %u]", raw_data[OUTPUT_VOLTAGE]); dstate_setinfo("output.voltage", "%03.1f",output_voltage()); upsdebugx(2, "output.voltage: %s", dstate_getinfo("output.voltage")); status_init(); *val = 0; if (!(raw_data[STATUS_A] & MAINS_FAILURE)) { !(raw_data[STATUS_A] & OFF) ? status_set("OL") : status_set("OFF"); } else { status_set("OB"); } if (raw_data[STATUS_A] & LOW_BAT) status_set("LB"); if (raw_data[STATUS_A] & AVR_ON) { input_voltage() < linevoltage ? status_set("BOOST") : status_set("TRIM"); } if (raw_data[STATUS_A] & OVERLOAD) status_set("OVER"); if (raw_data[STATUS_B] & BAD_BAT) status_set("RB"); if (raw_data[STATUS_B] & TEST) status_set("TEST"); status_commit(); upsdebugx(2, "STATUS: %s", dstate_getinfo("ups.status")); dstate_dataok(); } /* shutdown UPS */ void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { /* power down the attached load immediately */ printf("Forced UPS shutdown (and wait for power)...\n"); shutdown_ret(); } /* initialize UPS */ void upsdrv_initups(void) { int tmp,model = 0; unsigned int i; static char buf[20]; /* check manufacturer name from arguments */ if (getval("manufacturer") != NULL) manufacturer = getval("manufacturer"); /* check model name from arguments */ if (getval("modelname") != NULL) modelname = getval("modelname"); /* check serial number from arguments */ if (getval("serialnumber") != NULL) serialnumber = getval("serialnumber"); /* get and check type */ if (getval("type") != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_SUBTYPES && strcmp(types[i].name, getval("type")); i++) ; if (i >= NUM_OF_SUBTYPES) { printf("Given UPS type '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("type")); exit (1); } type = i; }; /* check line voltage from arguments */ if (getval("linevoltage") != NULL) { tmp = atoi(getval("linevoltage")); if (! ( (tmp >= 200 && tmp <= 240) || (tmp >= 100 && tmp <= 120) ) ) { printf("Given line voltage '%d' is out of range (100-120 or 200-240 V)\n", tmp); exit (1); }; linevoltage = (unsigned int) tmp; }; if (getval("numOfBytesFromUPS") != NULL) { tmp = atoi(getval("numOfBytesFromUPS")); if (! (tmp > 0 && tmp <= MAX_NUM_OF_BYTES_FROM_UPS) ) { printf("Given numOfBytesFromUPS '%d' is out of range (1 to %d)\n", tmp, MAX_NUM_OF_BYTES_FROM_UPS); exit (1); }; types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups = (unsigned char) tmp; } if (getval("methodOfFlowControl") != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_SUBTYPES && strcmp(types[i].flowControl.name, getval("methodOfFlowControl")); i++) ; if (i >= NUM_OF_SUBTYPES) { printf("Given methodOfFlowControl '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("methodOfFlowControl")); exit (1); }; types[type].flowControl = types[i].flowControl; } if (getval("validationSequence") && sscanf(getval("validationSequence"), "{{%u,%x},{%u,%x},{%u,%x}}", &types[type].validation[0].index_of_byte, &types[type].validation[0].required_value, &types[type].validation[1].index_of_byte, &types[type].validation[1].required_value, &types[type].validation[2].index_of_byte, &types[type].validation[2].required_value ) < 6 ) { printf("Given validationSequence '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("validationSequence")); exit (1); } if (getval("shutdownArguments") && sscanf(getval("shutdownArguments"), "{{%u,%u},%c}", &types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[0], &types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[1], &types[type].shutdown_arguments.minutesShouldBeUsed ) < 3 ) { printf("Given shutdownArguments '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("shutdownArguments")); exit (1); } if (getval("frequency") && sscanf(getval("frequency"), "{%f,%f}", &types[type].freq[0], &types[type].freq[1] ) < 2 ) { printf("Given frequency '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("frequency")); exit (1); } if (getval("loadPercentage") && sscanf(getval("loadPercentage"), "{%f,%f,%f,%f}", &types[type].loadpct[0], &types[type].loadpct[1], &types[type].loadpct[2], &types[type].loadpct[3] ) < 4 ) { printf("Given loadPercentage '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("loadPercentage")); exit (1); } if (getval("batteryPercentage") && sscanf(getval("batteryPercentage"), "{%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}", &types[type].battpct[0], &types[type].battpct[1], &types[type].battpct[2], &types[type].battpct[3], &types[type].battpct[4] ) < 5 ) { printf("Given batteryPercentage '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("batteryPercentage")); exit (1); } if (getval("voltage") && sscanf(getval("voltage"), "{%f,%f,%f,%f}", &types[type].voltage[0], &types[type].voltage[1], &types[type].voltage[2], &types[type].voltage[3] ) < 4 ) { printf("Given voltage '%s' isn't valid!\n", getval("voltage")); exit (1); } /* open serial port */ upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B1200); /* setup flow control */ types[type].flowControl.setup_flow_control(); if (!strncmp(types[type].name, "BNT",3) || !strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN") || !strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")){ if (!ups_getinfo()) return; if (raw_data[UPSVERSION]==0xFF){ types[type].name="IMP"; model=IMPmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; } if (raw_data[MODELNAME]==0x42){ if (!strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT-other")) types[type].name="BNT-other"; else types[type].name="BNT"; model=BNTmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; } if (raw_data[MODELNAME]==0x4B){ types[type].name="KIN"; model=KINmodels[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]/16]; } linevoltage=voltages[raw_data[MODELNUMBER]%16]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s-%dAP",types[type].name,model); modelname=buf; upsdebugx(1,"Detected: %s , %dV",modelname,linevoltage); if (ser_send_char (upsfd, BATTERY_TEST) != 1) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "writing error"); dstate_datastale(); return; } } upsdebugx(1, "Values of arguments:"); upsdebugx(1, " manufacturer : '%s'", manufacturer); upsdebugx(1, " model name : '%s'", modelname); upsdebugx(1, " serial number : '%s'", serialnumber); upsdebugx(1, " line voltage : '%u'", linevoltage); upsdebugx(1, " type : '%s'", types[type].name); upsdebugx(1, " number of bytes from UPS: '%u'", types[type].num_of_bytes_from_ups); upsdebugx(1, " method of flow control : '%s'", types[type].flowControl.name); upsdebugx(1, " validation sequence: '{{%u,%#x},{%u,%#x},{%u,%#x}}'", types[type].validation[0].index_of_byte, types[type].validation[0].required_value, types[type].validation[1].index_of_byte, types[type].validation[1].required_value, types[type].validation[2].index_of_byte, types[type].validation[2].required_value); upsdebugx(1, " shutdown arguments: '{{%u,%u},%c}'", types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[0], types[type].shutdown_arguments.delay[1], types[type].shutdown_arguments.minutesShouldBeUsed); if ( strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN") && strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") && strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) { upsdebugx(1, " frequency calculation coefficients: '{%f,%f}'", types[type].freq[0], types[type].freq[1]); upsdebugx(1, " load percentage calculation coefficients: " "'{%f,%f,%f,%f}'", types[type].loadpct[0], types[type].loadpct[1], types[type].loadpct[2], types[type].loadpct[3]); upsdebugx(1, " battery percentage calculation coefficients: " "'{%f,%f,%f,%f,%f}'", types[type].battpct[0], types[type].battpct[1], types[type].battpct[2], types[type].battpct[3], types[type].battpct[4]); upsdebugx(1, " voltage calculation coefficients: '{%f,%f}'", types[type].voltage[2], types[type].voltage[3]); } } /* display help */ void upsdrv_help(void) { printf("You must specify type in ups.conf\n"); printf("Type of UPS like 'Trust', 'Egys', 'KP625AP', 'IMP', 'KIN' or 'BNT' or 'BNT-other' (default: 'Trust')\n"); printf("BNT-other - it's a special type for BNT 100-120V models \n"); printf("You can additional cpecify next variables:\n"); printf(" shutdownArguments: The number of delay arguments and their values for the shutdown operation\n"); printf("Also, you can specify next variables (not work for 'IMP', 'KIN' or 'BNT', because detected automatically or known\n"); printf(" manufacturer: Specify manufacturer name (default: 'PowerCom')\n"); printf(" modelname: Specify model name, because it cannot detect automagically (default: Unknown)\n"); printf(" serialnumber: Specify serial number, because it cannot detect automatically (default: Unknown)\n"); printf(" linevoltage: Specify line voltage (110-120 or 220-240 V), if it cannot detect automatically (default: 230 V)\n"); printf(" numOfBytesFromUPS: The number of bytes in a UPS frame\n"); printf(" methodOfFlowControl: The flow control method engaged by the UPS\n"); printf(" validationSequence: 3 pairs to be used for validating the UPS\n"); printf(" voltage: A quad to convert the raw data to human readable voltage\n"); printf(" frequency: A pair to convert the raw data to human readable freqency\n"); printf(" batteryPercentage: A 5 tuple to convert the raw data to human readable battery percentage\n"); printf(" loadPercentage: A quad to convert the raw data to human readable load percentage\n"); return; } /* initialize information */ void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { /* write constant data for this model */ dstate_setinfo ("ups.mfr", "%s", manufacturer); dstate_setinfo ("ups.model", "%s", modelname); dstate_setinfo ("ups.serial", "%s", serialnumber); dstate_setinfo ("ups.model.type", "%s", types[type].name); dstate_setinfo ("input.voltage.nominal", "%u", linevoltage); /* now add the instant commands */ dstate_addcmd ("test.battery.start"); dstate_addcmd ("shutdown.return"); dstate_addcmd ("shutdown.stayoff"); upsh.instcmd = instcmd; } /* define possible arguments */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { addvar(VAR_VALUE, "manufacturer", "Specify manufacturer name (default: 'PowerCom')"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "linevoltage", "Specify line voltage (110-120 or 220-240 V), if it cannot detect automatically (default: 230 V)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "modelname", "Specify model name, because it cannot detect automagically (default: Unknown)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "serialnumber", "Specify serial number, because it cannot detect automatically (default: Unknown)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "type", "Type of UPS like 'Trust', 'Egys', 'KP625AP', 'IMP', 'KIN' or 'BNT' or 'BNT-other' (default: 'Trust')"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "numOfBytesFromUPS", "The number of bytes in a UPS frame"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "methodOfFlowControl", "The flow control method engaged by the UPS"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "shutdownArguments", "The number of delay arguments and their values for the shutdown operation"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "validationSequence", "3 pairs to be used for validating the UPS"); if ( strcmp(types[type].name, "KIN") && strcmp(types[type].name, "BNT") && strcmp(types[type].name, "IMP")) { addvar(VAR_VALUE, "voltage", "A quad to convert the raw data to human readable voltage"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "frequency", "A pair to convert the raw data to human readable freqency"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "batteryPercentage", "A 5 tuple to convert the raw data to human readable battery percentage"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, "loadPercentage", "A quad to convert the raw data to human readable load percentage"); } } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); }