UPSCMD(8) ========= NAME ---- upscmd - UPS administration program for instant commands SYNOPSIS -------- *upscmd* -h *upscmd* -l 'ups' *upscmd* [-u 'username'] [-p 'password'] 'ups' 'command' DESCRIPTION ----------- *upscmd* allows you to invoke "instant commands" in your UPS hardware. Not all hardware supports this, so check the list with -l to see if anything will work on your equipment. On hardware that supports it, you can use this program to start and stop battery tests, invoke a front panel test (beep!), turn the load on or off, and more. OPTIONS ------- *-h*:: Display the help message. *-l* 'ups':: Show the list of supported instant commands on that UPS. Some hardware may not support any of them. *-u* 'username':: Set the username for the connection to the server. This is optional, and you will be prompted for this when invoking a command if -u is not used. *-p* 'password':: Set the password to authenticate to the server. This is also optional like -u, and you will be prompted for it if necessary. 'ups':: Connect to this UPS. The format is `upsname[@hostname[:port]]`. The default hostname is "localhost". UNATTENDED MODE --------------- If you run this program inside a shell script or similar to invoke a command, you will need to specify all of the information on the command line. This means using -u and -p. Otherwise it will put up a prompt and your program will hang. This is not necessary when displaying the list, as the username and password are not required for read-only mode. DANGEROUS COMMANDS ------------------ Some drivers like linkman:apcsmart[8] have built-in paranoia for the dangerous commands like ``. To make them actually turn off the load, you will have to send the command twice within a short window. That is, you will have to send it once, then send it again after 3 seconds elapse but before 15 seconds pass. This paranoia is entirely defined within the driver. upsd and upscmd have no control over the timing. DIAGNOSTICS ----------- upscmd won't work unless you provide a valid username and password. If you get "access denied" errors, make sure that your linkman:upsd.users[5] has an entry for you, and that the username you are using has permissions to SET variables. BUGS ---- There is currently no way to tell the user when the driver requires confirmation to invoke a command such as ``. Similarly, there is not yet a way to tell the user if a command succeeds or fails. This is on the list of things to fix in the future, so don't despair. It involves magic cookies. SEE ALSO -------- linkman:upsd[8], linkman:upsrw[8] INTERNET RESOURCES ------------------ The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: