/* raritan-mib.c - data to monitor Raritan PDUs (Basic and Complex) * * Copyright (C) 2008-2019 * Arnaud Quette * * Sponsored by Eaton * and MGE Office Protection Systems * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "raritan-pdu-mib.h" #define RARITAN_MIB_VERSION "0.8" /* Raritan MIB * this one uses the same MIB as Eaton Revelation, * but with a different entry point */ #define RARITAN_BASE_OID "." #define RARITAN_SYSOID RARITAN_BASE_OID #define RARITAN_OID_MODEL_NAME "." #define DO_OFF "0" #define DO_ON "1" #define DO_CYCLE "2" static info_lkp_t raritan_pdu_outlet_status_info[] = { { -1, "error", NULL, NULL }, { 0, "off", NULL, NULL }, { 1, "on", NULL, NULL }, { 2, "cycling", NULL, NULL }, /* transitional status */ { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* Snmp2NUT lookup table for Raritan MIB */ static snmp_info_t raritan_mib[] = { /* standard MIB items */ { "device.description", ST_FLAG_STRING | ST_FLAG_RW, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", NULL, SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.contact", ST_FLAG_STRING | ST_FLAG_RW, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", NULL, SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.location", ST_FLAG_STRING | ST_FLAG_RW, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", NULL, SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* Device page */ { "device.mfr", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, NULL, "Raritan", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.model", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "Generic SNMP PDU", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.serial", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.type", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, NULL, "pdu", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "device.macaddr", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* UPS page */ { "ups.mfr", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, NULL, "Raritan", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.model", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "Generic SNMP PDU", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.id", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "unknown", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.serial", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.firmware", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", "", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.type", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, NULL, "pdu", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.temperature", 0, 1, ".", NULL, 0, NULL }, /* Outlet page */ { "outlet.id", 0, 1, NULL, "0", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.desc", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 20, NULL, "All outlets", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.count", 0, 1, ".", "0", 0, NULL }, { "outlet.current", 0, 0.001, "." ".0", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "outlet.voltage", 0, 0.001, "." ".0", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "outlet.realpower", 0, 1.0, "." ".0", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "outlet.power", 0, 1.0, "." ".0", NULL, 0, NULL }, /* outlet template definition * Caution: the index of the data start at 0, while the name is +1 * ie outlet.1 => .0 */ { "outlet.%i.switchable", 0, 1, ".", "yes", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.id", 0, 1, NULL, "%i", SU_FLAG_STATIC | SU_FLAG_ABSENT | SU_FLAG_OK | SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.desc", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.status", ST_FLAG_STRING, SU_INFOSIZE, ".", NULL, SU_FLAG_OK | SU_OUTLET, &raritan_pdu_outlet_status_info[0] }, { "outlet.%i.current", 0, 0.001, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.current.maximum", 0, 0.001, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.realpower", 0, 1.0, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.voltage", 0, 1.0, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.powerfactor", 0, 0.01, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.power", 0, 1.0, ".", NULL, SU_OUTLET, NULL }, /* FIXME: * - delay for startup/shutdown sequence * - support for Ambient page temperatureSensorCount" src="snmp:$sysoid.2.1.0 ambient.temperature src="snmp:$sysoid.$indiceSensor => seems dumb! ambient.humidity src="snmp:$sysoid.$indiceSensor */ /* instant commands. */ /* Note that load.cycle might be replaced by / mapped on shutdown.reboot */ /* no counterpart found! { "outlet.load.off", 0, 1, ".", DO_OFF, SU_TYPE_CMD, NULL }, { "outlet.load.on", 0, 1, ".", DO_ON, SU_TYPE_CMD, NULL }, { "outlet.load.cycle", 0, 1, ".", DO_CYCLE, SU_TYPE_CMD, NULL }, */ { "outlet.%i.load.off", 0, 1, ".", DO_OFF, SU_TYPE_CMD | SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.load.on", 0, 1, ".", DO_ON, SU_TYPE_CMD | SU_OUTLET, NULL }, { "outlet.%i.load.cycle", 0, 1, ".", DO_CYCLE, SU_TYPE_CMD | SU_OUTLET, NULL }, /* end of structure. */ { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; mib2nut_info_t raritan = { "raritan", RARITAN_MIB_VERSION, NULL, RARITAN_OID_MODEL_NAME, raritan_mib, RARITAN_SYSOID, NULL };