'\" t .\" Title: belkin .\" Author: [FIXME: author] [see http://docbook.sf.net/el/author] .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 .\" Date: 05/31/2011 .\" Manual: NUT Manual .\" Source: Network UPS Tools .\" Language: English .\" .TH "BELKIN" "8" "05/31/2011" "Network UPS Tools" "NUT Manual" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" belkin \- Driver for Belkin serial UPS equipment .SH "NOTE" .sp This man page only documents the hardware\-specific features of the belkin driver\&. For information about the core driver, see \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8)\&. .SH "SUPPORTED HARDWARE" .sp The \fBbelkin\fR driver is known to support the Regulator Pro 525 (F6C525\-SER)\&. Other similar models such as the 425 and 625 should also work\&. .sp The Trust UPS and older Belkin units are not supported\&. .SH "EXTRA ARGUMENTS" .sp This driver does not support any extra settings in the \fBups.conf\fR(5)\&. .SH "BUGS" .sp There are dragons lurking within the protocol to this UPS\&. I have one that essentially behaves like a glorified power strip due to some invasive probing on my part\&. Don\(cqt mess with it directly\&. .if n \{\ .sp .\} .RS 4 .it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1 .br .ps +1 \fBNote\fR .ps -1 .br .sp the driver doesn\(cqt go anywhere near these character sequences, so it won\(cqt zap your UPS\&. I only mention this here as yet another reminder of the perils of closed hardware\&. .sp .5v .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" .SS "The core driver:" .sp \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8) .SS "Internet resources:" .sp The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www\&.networkupstools\&.org/