/* scan_nut.c: detect remote NUT services * * Copyright (C) 2011 - Frederic Bohe * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "common.h" #include "upsclient.h" #include "nut-scan.h" #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD #include #endif #include /* dynamic link library stuff */ static char * libname = "libupsclient"; static lt_dlhandle dl_handle = NULL; static const char *dl_error = NULL; static int (*nut_upscli_splitaddr)(const char *buf,char **hostname, int *port); static int (*nut_upscli_tryconnect)(UPSCONN_t *ups, const char *host, int port, int flags,struct timeval * timeout); static int (*nut_upscli_list_start)(UPSCONN_t *ups, unsigned int numq, const char **query); static int (*nut_upscli_list_next)(UPSCONN_t *ups, unsigned int numq, const char **query,unsigned int *numa, char ***answer); static nutscan_device_t * dev_ret = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD static pthread_mutex_t dev_mutex; #endif struct scan_nut_arg { char * hostname; long timeout; }; /* return 0 on error */ int nutscan_load_upsclient_library() { if( dl_handle != NULL ) { /* if previous init failed */ if( dl_handle == (void *)1 ) { return 0; } /* init has already been done */ return 1; } if( lt_dlinit() != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing lt_init\n"); return 0; } dl_handle = lt_dlopenext(libname); if (!dl_handle) { dl_error = lt_dlerror(); goto err; } lt_dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */ *(void **) (&nut_upscli_splitaddr) = lt_dlsym(dl_handle, "upscli_splitaddr"); if ((dl_error = lt_dlerror()) != NULL) { goto err; } *(void **) (&nut_upscli_tryconnect) = lt_dlsym(dl_handle, "upscli_tryconnect"); if ((dl_error = lt_dlerror()) != NULL) { goto err; } *(void **) (&nut_upscli_list_start) = lt_dlsym(dl_handle, "upscli_list_start"); if ((dl_error = lt_dlerror()) != NULL) { goto err; } *(void **) (&nut_upscli_list_next) = lt_dlsym(dl_handle, "upscli_list_next"); if ((dl_error = lt_dlerror()) != NULL) { goto err; } return 1; err: fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load NUT library (%s) : %s. NUT search disabled.\n", libname, dl_error); dl_handle = (void *)1; lt_dlexit(); return 0; } /* FIXME: SSL support */ static void * list_nut_devices(void * arg) { struct scan_nut_arg * nut_arg = (struct scan_nut_arg*)arg; char *target_hostname = nut_arg->hostname; struct timeval tv; int port; unsigned int numq, numa; const char *query[4]; char **answer; char *hostname = NULL; UPSCONN_t *ups = malloc(sizeof(*ups)); nutscan_device_t * dev = NULL; int buf_size; tv.tv_sec = nut_arg->timeout / (1000*1000); tv.tv_usec = nut_arg->timeout % (1000*1000); query[0] = "UPS"; numq = 1; if ((*nut_upscli_splitaddr)(target_hostname, &hostname, &port) != 0) { free(target_hostname); free(nut_arg); free(ups); return NULL; } if ((*nut_upscli_tryconnect)(ups, hostname, port,UPSCLI_CONN_TRYSSL,&tv) < 0) { free(target_hostname); free(nut_arg); free(ups); return NULL; } if((*nut_upscli_list_start)(ups, numq, query) < 0) { free(target_hostname); free(nut_arg); free(ups); return NULL; } while ((*nut_upscli_list_next)(ups,numq, query, &numa, &answer) == 1) { /* UPS */ if (numa < 3) { free(target_hostname); free(nut_arg); free(ups); return NULL; } /* FIXME: check for duplication by getting driver.port and device.serial * for comparison with other busses results */ /* FIXME: * - also print answer[2] if != "Unavailable"? * - for upsmon.conf or ups.conf (using dummy-ups)? */ if (numa >= 3) { dev = nutscan_new_device(); dev->type = TYPE_NUT; dev->driver = strdup("nutclient"); /* +1+1 is for '@' character and terminnating 0 */ buf_size = strlen(answer[1])+strlen(hostname)+1+1; dev->port = malloc(buf_size); if( dev->port ) { snprintf(dev->port,buf_size,"%s@%s",answer[1], hostname); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD pthread_mutex_lock(&dev_mutex); #endif dev_ret = nutscan_add_device_to_device(dev_ret,dev); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD pthread_mutex_unlock(&dev_mutex); #endif } } } free(target_hostname); free(nut_arg); free(ups); return NULL; } nutscan_device_t * nutscan_scan_nut(const char* startIP, const char* stopIP, const char* port,long usec_timeout) { nutscan_ip_iter_t ip; char * ip_str = NULL; char * ip_dest = NULL; char buf[SMALLBUF]; struct sigaction oldact; int change_action_handler = 0; int i; struct scan_nut_arg *nut_arg; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD pthread_t thread; pthread_t * thread_array = NULL; int thread_count = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&dev_mutex,NULL); #endif if( !nutscan_avail_nut ) { return NULL; } /* Ignore SIGPIPE if the caller hasn't set a handler for it yet */ if( sigaction(SIGPIPE, NULL, &oldact) == 0 ) { if( oldact.sa_handler == SIG_DFL ) { change_action_handler = 1; signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); } } ip_str = nutscan_ip_iter_init(&ip,startIP,stopIP); while( ip_str != NULL ) { if( port ) { if( ip.type == IPv4 ) { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s:%s",ip_str,port); } else { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"[%s]:%s",ip_str,port); } ip_dest = strdup(buf); } else { ip_dest = strdup(ip_str); } if((nut_arg = malloc(sizeof(struct scan_nut_arg))) == NULL ) { free(ip_dest); break; } nut_arg->timeout = usec_timeout; nut_arg->hostname = ip_dest; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD if (pthread_create(&thread,NULL,list_nut_devices,(void*)nut_arg)==0){ thread_count++; thread_array = realloc(thread_array, thread_count*sizeof(pthread_t)); thread_array[thread_count-1] = thread; } #else list_nut_devices(nut_arg); #endif free(ip_str); ip_str = nutscan_ip_iter_inc(&ip); } #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD for ( i=0; i < thread_count ; i++) { pthread_join(thread_array[i],NULL); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&dev_mutex); free(thread_array); #endif if(change_action_handler) { signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_DFL); } return dev_ret; }