[Unit] # This unit starts early in system lifecycle to set up nut-driver instances. # End-user may also restart this unit after editing ups.conf to automatically # un-register or add new instances as appropriate. Description=Network UPS Tools - enumeration of configure-file devices into systemd unit instances After=local-fs.target Before=nut-driver.target PartOf=nut.target [Service] ### Script needs privileges to restart units #User=@RUN_AS_USER@ #Group=@RUN_AS_GROUP@ User=root SyslogIdentifier=%N # it is expected that the process has to exit before systemd starts follow-up # units; it should not be a problem for those Type=oneshot # Currently systemd does not support restarting of oneshot services, and does # not seem to guarantee that other services would only start after the script # completes, for a non-oneshot case. The script itself handles restarting of # nut-server which is the primary concerned dependency at the moment, so we # don't want it to fail the unit (when it can't restart). Environment=REPORT_RESTART_42=no EnvironmentFile=-@CONFPATH@/nut.conf ExecStart=@NUT_LIBEXECDIR@/nut-driver-enumerator.sh ExecReload=@NUT_LIBEXECDIR@/nut-driver-enumerator.sh [Install] WantedBy=nut.target