#!/bin/sh ################################################################################ # # Ensure that driver.list and driver.list.in are properly formatted (with tabs) # ################################################################################ # Adapt path for either dist target or manual call CURRENT_PATH="`dirname $0`" DRVLIST_PATH="" if [ -f "${CURRENT_PATH}/data/driver.list.in" ]; then DRVLIST_PATH="${CURRENT_PATH}" elif [ -f "${CURRENT_PATH}/../data/driver.list.in" ]; then DRVLIST_PATH="${CURRENT_PATH}/.." else echo "Can't find driver.list in . or .." exit 1 fi echo "Checking whether driver.list[.in] are well formatted" for drvfile in driver.list.in driver.list do if [ -f "${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}" ]; then sed -e '/^#/!s/\" \+\"/\"\t\"/g' -e "/^#/!s/[[:blank:]]*$//" < "${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}" > "${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}.tabbed" mv -f "${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}.tabbed" "${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}" echo "Processed ${DRVLIST_PATH}/data/${drvfile}" else echo "Skipping ${drvfile} as it is missing..." fi done echo "done"