.TH IVTSCD 8 "Tue Sep 8 2009" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME ivtscd \- driver for the IVT Solar Controller Device .SH NOTE This man page only documents the specific features of the ivtscd driver. For information about the core driver, see \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8). .SH DESCRIPTION This driver allows to access the IVT SCD-series devices. .SH EXTRA ARGUMENTS This driver does not support any extra argument. .SH AUTHOR Arjen de Korte .SH SEE ALSO \fBupscmd\fR(1), \fBupsrw\fR(1), \fBups.conf\fR(5), \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/