.TH UPSCLI_CONNECT 3 "Mon Jan 22 2007" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME upscli_connect \- Open a connection to a NUT upsd .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "int upscli_connect(UPSCONN *ups, const char *host, int port, int flags);" .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBupscli_connect()\fP function takes the pointer \fIups\fP to a UPSCONN state structure and opens a TCP connection to the \fIhost\fP on the given \fIport\fP. .PP \fIflags\fP may be either \fBUPSCLI_CONN_TRYSSL\fP to try a SSL connection, or \fBUPSCLI_CONN_REQSSL\fP to require a SSL connection. .PP If SSL mode is required, this function will only return successfully if it is able to establish a SSL connection with the server. Possible reasons for failure include no SSL support on the server, and if \fBupsclient\fR itself hasn't been compiled with SSL support. .PP You must call \fBupscli_disconnect\fP(3) when finished with a connection, or your program will slowly leak memory and file descriptors. .SH "RETURN VALUE" The \fBupscli_connect()\fP function modifies the UPSCONN structure and returns 0 on success, or \-1 if an error occurs. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR upscli_disconnect "(3), "upscli_fd "(3), " .BR upscli_splitaddr "(3), "upscli_splitname "(3), " .BR upscli_ssl "(3), "upscli_strerror "(3), " .BR upscli_upserror "(3) "