/* Copyright (C) 2002 Eric Lawson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*misc stuff*/ #define ENDCHAR '\r' #define IGNCHARS "\n" #define COMMAND_END "\r\n" #define DEFAULT_BAT_TEST_TIME "02" /*Information requests*/ #define GET_ALL '%' #define GET_ALL_EXT_2 '^' #define GET_ALL_EXT_1 '&' #define GET_MFR 'M' #define GET_FAMILY 'F' #define GET_VERSION 'N' #define GET_ON_INVERTER 'G' #define GET_BATLOW 'K' #define GET_STATUS 'X' #define GET_LAST_XFER 'W' #define GET_INVERTER_RDY 'I' #define GET_TEST_TIME 'Q' #define GET_NOM_FREQ 'H' #define GET_NOM_VOLTAGE 'V' #define GET_DISPLAY_CODE 'D' #define GET_CONDITION_CODE 'C' #define GET_PERCENT_LOAD 'P' #define GET_PERCENT_BAT_REM 'T' #define GET_INPUT_LINE_VOLT 'L' #define GET_MIN_INPUT_VOLT 'A' #define GET_MAX_INPUT_VOLT 'E' #define GET_OUTPUT_VOLT 'S' #define GET_BOOSTING 'B' /*Control functions*/ #define SIM_PWR_FAIL "\x02\x15" /*^B^U 15 second battery test*/ #define SHUTDOWN "\x0f\x06" /*^O^F (a letter O)*/ #define RESET_MIN_MAX 'R' #define BAT_TEST_PREFIX "\x02" /*needs 2 more chars. minutes*/ #define DELAYED_SHUTDOWN_PREFIX 'Z' /*needs 3 more chars. seconds */ #define DONT_UNDERSTAND '*' #define CANT_COMPLY '#' #define NO_VALUE_YET '.' /*responses*/ #define MFGR "ONEAC" #define FAMILY_ON "ON" #define FAMILY_ON_EXT "OZ" #define FAMILY_EG "EG" #define YES 'Y' #define NO 'N' #define NORMAL '@' #define ON_BAT_LOW_LINE 'A' #define ON_BAT_HI_LINE 'Q' #define LO_BAT_LOW_LINE 'C' #define LO_BAT_HI_LINE 'S' #define TOO_HOT '`' #define FIX_ME 'D' #define BAD_BAT 'H' #define V230AC '2' #define V120AC '1' #define XFER_BLACKOUT 'B' #define XFER_LOW_VOLT 'L' #define XFER_HI_VOLT 'H' /*front panel alarm codes*/ #define CODE_BREAKER_OPEN "c1" /*input circuit breaker open*/ #define CODE_BAT_FUSE_OPEN "c2" /*battery not connected. Open fuse?*/ #define CODE_TOO_HOT "c3" /*UPS too hot*/ #define CODE_CHARGING "c4" /*recharging battery pack*/ #define CODE_LOW_BAT_CAP "c5" /*batteries getting too old*/ #define CODE_OVERLOAD "c8" /*"slight" overload*/ #define CODE_GROSS_OVLE "c9" /*gross overload 1 minute to power off*/ #define CODE_CHRGR_FUSE_OPEN "u1" /*battery charger fuse probably open*/