.TH upsstats.cgi 8 "Mon Sep 2 2002" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME upsstats.cgi \- Web\(hybased UPS status viewer .SH SYNOPSIS .B upsstats.cgi .SH NOTE As a CGI program, this should be invoked through your web server. If you run it from the command line, it will either complain about unauthorized access or spew a bunch of HTML at you. .SH DESCRIPTION .B upsstats.cgi uses template files to build web pages containing status information from UPS hardware. It can repeat sections of those template files to monitor several UPSes simultaneously, or focus on a single UPS. These templates can also include references to \fBupsimage.cgi\fR(8) for graphical displays of battery charge levels, voltage readings, and the UPS load. .SH ACCESS CONTROL upsstats will only talk to \fBupsd\fR(8) servers that have been defined in your \fBhosts.conf\fR(5). If it complains that "Access to that host is not authorized", check that file first. .SH TEMPLATES The web page that is displayed is actually a template containing commands to upsstats which are replaced by status information. The default file used for the overview is upsstats.html. When monitoring a single UPS, the file displayed is upsstats\-single.html. The format of these files, including the possible commands, is documented in \fBupsstats.html\fR(5). .SH FILES \fBhosts.conf\fR(5) \fBupsstats.html\fR(5) .SH SEE ALSO \fBupsimage.cgi\fR(8) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/