NUT-SCANNER(8) ============== NAME ---- nut-scanner - scan communication buses for NUT devices SYNOPSIS -------- *nut-scanner* -h *nut-scanner* ['OPTIONS'] DESCRIPTION ----------- *nut-scanner* scans available communication buses and display any NUT compatible device it has found. OPTIONS ------- *-h*:: Display the help text. DISPLAY OPTIONS --------------- *-N* | *--disp_nut_conf*:: Display result in the 'ups.conf' format. *-P* | *--disp_parsable*:: Display result in a parsable format. BUS OPTIONS ----------- *-C* | *--complete_scan*:: Scan all available communication buses (default behavior) *-U* | *--usb_scan*:: List all NUT compatible USB devices currently plugged in. *-S* | *--snmp_scan*:: Scan SNMP devices. Require at least a 'start IP', and optionnaly an 'end IP'. See specific SNMP OPTIONS for community and security settings. *-M* | *--xml_scan*:: Scan XML/HTTP devices. Broadcast a network message on the current network interfaces to retrieve XML/HTTP capable devices. No IP required. *-O* | *--oldnut_scan*:: Scan NUT devices (i.e. upsd daemon) on IP ranging from 'start IP' to 'end IP'. *-A* | *--avahi_scan*:: Scan NUT servers using avahi request on the current network interfaces. No IP required. *-I* | *--ipmi_scan*:: Scan NUT compatible devices available via IPMI on the current host. NETWORK OPTIONS --------------- *-t* | *--timeout* 'timeout':: Set the network timeout in seconds. Default timeout is 5 seconds. *-s* | *--start_ip* 'start IP':: Set the first IP (IPv4 or IPv6) when a range of IP is required (SNMP, old_nut). *-e* | *--end_ip* 'end IP':: Set the last IP (IPv4 or IPv6) when a range of IP is required (SNMP, old_nut). If this parameter is omitted, only the 'start IP' is scanned. If 'end IP' is lesser than 'start IP', both parameter are internally permuted. NUT DEVICE OPTION ----------------- *-p* | *--port