ifdef::website[] Support instructions ==================== endif::website[] There are various ways to obtain support for NUT. Documentation ------------- - First, be sure to read the link:docs/FAQ.html[FAQ]. The most common problems are already addressed there. ifdef::website[] - Else, you can read the link:docs/user-manual.chunked/index.html[NUT User Manual]. endif::website[] ifndef::website[] - Else, you can read the linkdoc:user-manual[NUT user manual]. endif::website[] It also covers many areas about installing, configuring and using NUT. The specific steps on system integration are also discussed. - Finally, link:docs/man/index.html#User_man[User manual pages] will also complete the User Manual provided information. At least, read the manual page related to your driver(s). Mailing lists ------------- If you have still not found a solution, you should search the lists before posting a question. Someone may have already solved the problem: ifdef::backend-xhtml11[] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ endif::backend-xhtml11[] ifndef::backend-xhtml11[] link:http://www.google.com/search?as_q=&as_oq=nut-upsuser+nut-upsdev&domains=lists.alioth.debian.org&sitesearch=lists.alioth.debian.org&btnG=Search+NUT+lists[search on the NUT lists using Google] endif::backend-xhtml11[] Finally, you can *subscribe* to a NUT mailing list to: Request help ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the link:http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/nut-upsuser[NUT Users] mailing list. In this case, be sure to include the following information: - OS name and version, - exact NUT version, - NUT installation method: from source tarball, package or subversion, - exact device name and related information (manufacturing date, web pointers, ...), - complete problem description, with any relevant trace, like system log excerpt, and driver debug output. You can obtain this last using the following command, as root and after having stopped NUT: /path/to/driver -DDDDD -a