Installation instructions ========================= This chapter describes the various methods for installing Network UPS Tools. Whenever it is possible, prefer <>. Packagers have done an excellent and hard work at improving NUT integration into their system. On the other hand, distributions and appliances tend to package "official releases" of projects such as NUT, and so do not deliver latest and greatest fixes, new drivers, bugs and other features. [[Installing_source]] Installing from source ---------------------- These are the essential steps for compiling and installing this software. The NUT linkdoc:packager-guide[Packager Guide], which presents the best practices for installing and integrating NUT, is also a good reading. The link:config-prereqs.txt[Prerequisites for building NUT on different OSes] document suggests prerequisite packages with tools and dependencies available and needed to build and test as much as possible of NUT on numerous platforms, written from perspective of CI testing (if you are interested in getting updated drivers for a particular device, you might select a sub-set of those suggestions). [NOTE] .Keep in mind that... ================================================================================ - the paths shown below are the default values you get by just calling configure by itself. If you have used --prefix or similar, things will be different. Also, if you didn't install this program from source yourself, the paths will probably have a number of differences. - by default, your system probably won't find the man pages, since they install to /usr/local/ups/man. You can fix this by editing your MANPATH, or just do this: man -M /usr/local/ups/man - if your favorite system offers up to date binary packages, you should always prefer these over a source installation. Along with the known advantages of such systems for installation, upgrade and removal, there are many integration issues that have been addressed. ================================================================================ Prepare your system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ System User creation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create at least one system user and a group for running this software. You might call them "ups" and "nut". The exact names aren't important as long as you are consistent. The process for doing this varies from one system to the next, and explaining how to add users is beyond the scope of this document. For the purposes of this document, the user name and group name will be 'ups' and 'nut' respectively. Be sure the new user is a member of the new group! If you forget to do this, you will have problems later on when you try to start upsd. Build and install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[Configuration]] Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configure the source tree for your system. Add the '--with-user' and '--with-group' switch to set the user name and group that you created above. ./configure --with-user=ups --with-group=nut If you need any other switches for configure, add them here. For example: * to build and install USB drivers, add '--with-usb' (note that you need to install libusb development package or files). * to build and install SNMP drivers, add '--with-snmp' (note that you need to install libsnmp development package or files). * to build and install CGI scripts, add '--with-cgi'. See <> from the User Manual, docs/configure.txt or './configure --help' for all the available options. If you alter paths with additional switches, be sure to use those new paths while reading the rest of the steps. Reference: <> from the User Manual. Build the programs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ make This will build the NUT client and server programs and the selected drivers. It will also build any other features that were selected during <> step above. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ [NOTE] ===================================================================== you should now gain privileges for installing software if necessary: su ===================================================================== Install the files to a system level directory: make install This will install the compiled programs and man pages, as well as some data files required by NUT. Any optional features selected during configuration will also be installed. This will also install sample versions of the NUT configuration files. Sample files are installed with names like ups.conf.sample so they will not overwrite any existing real config files you may have created. If you are packaging this software, then you will probably want to use the DESTDIR variable to redirect the build into another place, i.e.: make DESTDIR=/tmp/package install make DESTDIR=/tmp/package install-conf [[StatePath]] State path creation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the state path directory for the driver(s) and server to use for storing UPS status data and other auxiliary files, and make it group-writable by the group of the system user you created. mkdir -p /var/state/ups chmod 0770 /var/state/ups chown root:nut /var/state/ups [[Ownership]] Ownership and permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set ownership data and permissions on your serial or USB ports that go to your UPS hardware. Be sure to limit access to just the user you created earlier. These examples assume the second serial port (ttyS1) on a typical Slackware system. On FreeBSD, that would be cuaa1. Serial ports vary greatly, so yours may be called something else. chmod 0660 /dev/ttyS1 chown root:nut /dev/ttyS1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIXME: TBR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The setup for USB ports is slightly more complicated. Device files for USB devices, such as /proc/bus/usb/002/001, are usually created "on the fly" when a device is plugged in, and disappear when the device is disconnected. Moreover, the names of these device files can change randomly. To set up the correct permissions for the USB device, you may need to set up (operating system dependent) hotplugging scripts. Sample scripts and information are provided in the scripts/hotplug and scripts/udev directories. For most users, the hotplugging scripts will be installed automatically by "make install". (If you want to try if a driver works without setting up hotplugging, you can add the "-u root" option to upsd, upsmon, and drivers; this should allow you to follow the below instructions. However, don't forget to set up the correct permissions later!). NOTE: if you are using something like udev or devd, make sure these permissions stay set across a reboot. If they revert to the old values, your drivers may fail to start. You are now ready to configure NUT, and start testing and using it. You can jump directly to the <>. [[Installing_packages]] Installing from packages ------------------------ This chapter describes the specific installation steps when using binary packages that exist on various major systems. [[Debian]] Debian, Ubuntu and other derivatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: NUT is packaged and well maintained in these systems. The official Debian packager is part of the NUT Team. Using your preferred method (apt-get, aptitude, Synaptic, ...), install the 'nut' package, and optionally the following: - 'nut-cgi', if you need the CGI (HTML) option, - 'nut-snmp', if you need the snmp-ups driver, - 'nut-xml', for the netxml-ups driver, - 'nut-powerman-pdu', to control the PowerMan daemon (PDU management) - 'nut-dev', if you need the development files. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - nut-client //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configuration files are located in /etc/nut. linkman:nut.conf[5] must be edited to be able to invoke /etc/init.d/nut NOTE: Ubuntu users can access the APT URL installation by clicking on link:apt://nut[this link]. [[Mandriva]] Mandriva ~~~~~~~~ NOTE: NUT is packaged and well maintained in these systems. The official Mandriva packager is part of the NUT Team. Using your preferred method (urpmi, RPMdrake, ...), install one of the two below packages: - 'nut-server' if you have a 'standalone' or 'netserver' installation, - 'nut' if you have a 'netclient' installation. Optionally, you can also install the following: - 'nut-cgi', if you need the CGI (HTML) option, - 'nut-devel', if you need the development files. [[SUSE]] SUSE / openSUSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: NUT is packaged and well maintained in these systems. The official SUSE packager is part of the NUT Team. Install the 'nut-classic' package, and optionally the following: - 'nut-drivers-net', if you need the snmp-ups or the netxml-ups drivers, - 'nut-cgi', if you need the CGI (HTML) option, - 'nut-devel', if you need the development files, NOTE: SUSE and openSUSE users can use the link:[one-click install method] to install NUT. [[RedHat]] Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: NUT is packaged and well maintained in these systems. The official Red Hat packager is part of the NUT Team. Using your preferred method (yum, Add/Remove Software, ...), install one of the two below packages: - 'nut' if you have a 'standalone' or 'netserver' installation, - 'nut-client' if you have a 'netclient' installation. Optionally, you can also install the following: - 'nut-cgi', if you need the CGI (HTML) option, - 'nut-xml', if you need the netxml-ups driver, - 'nut-devel', if you need the development files. [[FreeBSD]] FreeBSD ~~~~~~~ You can either install NUT as a binary package or as a port. Binary package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install NUT as a package execute: # pkg install nut Port ^^^^ The port is located under +sysutils/nut+. Use +make config+ to select configuration options, e.g. to build the optional CGI scripts. To install it, use: # make install clean USB UPS on FreeBSD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For USB UPS devices the NUT package/port installs devd rules in +/usr/local/etc/devd/nut-usb.conf+ to set USB device permissions. 'devd' needs to be restarted for these rules to apply: # service devd restart (Re-)connect the device after restarting 'devd' and check that the USB device has the proper permissions. Check the last entries of the system message buffer. You should find an entry like # dmesg | tail [...] ugen0.2: at usbus0 The device file must be owned by group +uucp+ and must be group read-/writable. In the example from above this would be # ls -Ll /dev/ugen0.2 crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 0xa5 Mar 12 10:33 /dev/ugen0.2 If the permissions are not correct, verify that your device is registered in +/usr/local/etc/devd/nut-usb.conf+. The vendor and product id can be found using: # usbconfig -u 0 -a 2 dump_device_desc where +-u+ specifies the USB bus number and +-a+ specifies the USB device index. You are now ready to configure NUT, and start testing and using it. You can jump directly to the <>.