# FFmpegKit for Android ### 1. Features - Supports `API Level 24+` on Main releases and `API Level 16+` on LTS releases - Includes `arm-v7a`, `arm-v7a-neon`, `arm64-v8a`, `x86` and `x86_64` architectures - Can handle Storage Access Framework (SAF) Uris - Camera access on [supported devices](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis#camera) - Builds shared native libraries (.so) - Creates Android archive with .aar extension ### 2. Building Run `android.sh` at project root directory to build `ffmpeg-kit` and `ffmpeg` shared libraries. Please note that `FFmpegKit` project repository includes the source code of `FFmpegKit` only. `android.sh` needs network connectivity and internet access to `github.com` in order to download the source code of `FFmpeg` and external libraries enabled. #### 2.1 Prerequisites `android.sh` requires the following tools and packages. ##### 2.1.1 Android Tools - Android SDK Build Tools - Android NDK r22b or later with LLDB and CMake (See [#292](https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit/issues/292) if you want to use NDK r23b or later) ##### 2.1.2 Packages Use your package manager (apt, yum, dnf, brew, etc.) to install the following packages. ``` autoconf automake libtool pkg-config curl git doxygen nasm cmake gcc gperf texinfo yasm bison autogen wget autopoint meson ninja ragel groff gtk-doc-tools libtasn1 ``` ##### 2.1.3 Environment Variables Set `ANDROID_SDK_ROOT` and `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT` environment variables before running `android.sh`. ``` export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT= export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT= ``` #### 2.2 Options Use `--enable-` flag to support additional external or system libraries and `--disable-` to disable architectures you don't want to build. ``` ./android.sh --enable-fontconfig --disable-arm-v7a-neon ``` Run `--help` to see all available build options. #### 2.3 LTS Binaries Use `--lts` option to build lts binaries for each architecture. #### 2.4 Build Output All libraries created by `android.sh` can be found under the `prebuilt` directory. - `Android` archive (.aar file) for `Main` builds is located under the `bundle-android-aar` folder. - `Android` archive (.aar file) for `LTS` builds is located under the `bundle-android-aar-lts` folder. ### 3. Using #### 3.1 Android API 1. Declare `mavenCentral` repository and add `FFmpegKit` dependency to your `build.gradle` in `ffmpeg-kit-` pattern. Use one of the `FFmpegKit` package names given in the project [README](https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit). ```yaml repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation 'com.arthenica:ffmpeg-kit-full:6.0-2' } ``` 2. Execute synchronous `FFmpeg` commands. ```java import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegKit; FFmpegSession session = FFmpegKit.execute("-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 file2.mp4"); if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(session.getReturnCode())) { // SUCCESS } else if (ReturnCode.isCancel(session.getReturnCode())) { // CANCEL } else { // FAILURE Log.d(TAG, String.format("Command failed with state %s and rc %s.%s", session.getState(), session.getReturnCode(), session.getFailStackTrace())); } ``` 3. Each `execute` call (sync or async) creates a new session. Access every detail about your execution from the session created. ```java FFmpegSession session = FFmpegKit.execute("-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 file2.mp4"); // Unique session id created for this execution long sessionId = session.getSessionId(); // Command arguments as a single string String command = session.getCommand(); // Command arguments String[] arguments = session.getArguments(); // State of the execution. Shows whether it is still running or completed SessionState state = session.getState(); // Return code for completed sessions. Will be null if session is still running or ends with a failure ReturnCode returnCode = session.getReturnCode(); Date startTime = session.getStartTime(); Date endTime = session.getEndTime(); long duration = session.getDuration(); // Console output generated for this execution String output = session.getOutput(); // The stack trace if FFmpegKit fails to run a command String failStackTrace = session.getFailStackTrace(); // The list of logs generated for this execution List logs = session.getLogs(); // The list of statistics generated for this execution List statistics = session.getStatistics(); ``` 4. Execute asynchronous `FFmpeg` commands by providing session specific `execute`/`log`/`session` callbacks. ```java FFmpegKit.executeAsync("-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 file2.mp4", new FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback() { @Override public void apply(FFmpegSession session) { SessionState state = session.getState(); ReturnCode returnCode = session.getReturnCode(); // CALLED WHEN SESSION IS EXECUTED Log.d(TAG, String.format("FFmpeg process exited with state %s and rc %s.%s", state, returnCode, session.getFailStackTrace())); } }, new LogCallback() { @Override public void apply(com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.Log log) { // CALLED WHEN SESSION PRINTS LOGS } }, new StatisticsCallback() { @Override public void apply(Statistics statistics) { // CALLED WHEN SESSION GENERATES STATISTICS } }); ``` 5. Execute `FFprobe` commands. - Synchronous ```java FFprobeSession session = FFprobeKit.execute(ffprobeCommand); if (!ReturnCode.isSuccess(session.getReturnCode())) { Log.d(TAG, "Command failed. Please check output for the details."); } ``` - Asynchronous ```java FFprobeKit.executeAsync(ffprobeCommand, new FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback() { @Override public void apply(FFprobeSession session) { CALLED WHEN SESSION IS EXECUTED } }); ``` 6. Get media information for a file. ```java MediaInformationSession mediaInformation = FFprobeKit.getMediaInformation(""); mediaInformation.getMediaInformation(); ``` 7. Stop ongoing `FFmpeg` operations. - Stop all executions ```java FFmpegKit.cancel(); ``` - Stop a specific session ```java FFmpegKit.cancel(sessionId); ``` 8. Convert Storage Access Framework (SAF) Uris into paths that can be read or written by `FFmpegKit`. - Reading a file: ```java Uri safUri = intent.getData(); String inputVideoPath = FFmpegKitConfig.getSafParameterForRead(requireContext(), safUri); FFmpegKit.execute("-i " + inputVideoPath + " -c:v mpeg4 file2.mp4"); ``` - Writing to a file: ```java Uri safUri = intent.getData(); String outputVideoPath = FFmpegKitConfig.getSafParameterForWrite(requireContext(), safUri); FFmpegKit.execute("-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 " + outputVideoPath); ``` - Writing to a file in a custom mode. ```java Uri safUri = intent.getData(); String path = FFmpegKitConfig.getSafParameter(requireContext(), safUri, "rw"); FFmpegKit.execute("-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 " + path); ``` 9. Get previous `FFmpeg` and `FFprobe` sessions from session history. ```java List sessions = FFmpegKitConfig.getSessions(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) { Session session = sessions.get(i); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Session %d = id:%d, startTime:%s, duration:%s, state:%s, returnCode:%s.", i, session.getSessionId(), session.getStartTime(), session.getDuration(), session.getState(), session.getReturnCode())); } ``` 10. Enable global callbacks. - Session type specific Complete Callbacks, called when an async session has been completed ```java FFmpegKitConfig.enableFFmpegSessionCompleteCallback(new FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback() { @Override public void apply(FFmpegSession session) { } }); FFmpegKitConfig.enableFFprobeSessionCompleteCallback(new FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback() { @Override public void apply(FFprobeSession session) { } }); FFmpegKitConfig.enableMediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback(new MediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback() { @Override public void apply(MediaInformationSession session) { } }); ``` - Log Callback, called when a session generates logs ```java FFmpegKitConfig.enableLogCallback(new LogCallback() { @Override public void apply(final com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.Log log) { ... } }); ``` - Statistics Callback, called when a session generates statistics ```java FFmpegKitConfig.enableStatisticsCallback(new StatisticsCallback() { @Override public void apply(final Statistics newStatistics) { ... } }); ``` 11. Ignore the handling of a signal. Required by `Mono` and frameworks that use `Mono`, e.g. `Unity` and `Xamarin`. ```java FFmpegKitConfig.ignoreSignal(Signal.SIGXCPU); ``` 12. Register system fonts and custom font directories. ```java FFmpegKitConfig.setFontDirectoryList(context, Arrays.asList("/system/fonts", ""), Collections.EMPTY_MAP); ``` ### 4. Test Application You can see how `FFmpegKit` is used inside an application by running `Android` test applications developed under the [FFmpegKit Test](https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit-test) project.