Class FFmpegKit

  • public class FFmpegKit
    extends java.lang.Object

    Main class to run FFmpeg commands. Supports executing commands both synchronously and asynchronously.

     FFmpegSession session = FFmpegKit.execute("-i file1.mp4 -c:v libxvid file1.avi");
     FFmpegSession asyncSession = FFmpegKit.executeAsync("-i file1.mp4 -c:v libxvid file1.avi", executeCallback);

    Provides overloaded execute methods to define session specific callbacks.

     FFmpegSession asyncSession = FFmpegKit.executeAsync("-i file1.mp4 -c:v libxvid file1.avi", executeCallback, logCallback, statisticsCallback);
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public static FFmpegSession execute​(java.lang.String[] arguments)

        Synchronously executes FFmpeg with arguments provided.

        arguments - FFmpeg command options/arguments as string array
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String[] arguments,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg with arguments provided.

        arguments - FFmpeg command options/arguments as string array
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String[] arguments,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 LogCallback logCallback,
                                                 StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg with arguments provided.

        arguments - FFmpeg command options/arguments as string array
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        logCallback - callback that will receive logs
        statisticsCallback - callback that will receive statistics
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String[] arguments,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg with arguments provided.

        arguments - FFmpeg command options/arguments as string array
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String[] arguments,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 LogCallback logCallback,
                                                 StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg with arguments provided.

        arguments - FFmpeg command options/arguments as string array
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        logCallback - callback that will receive logs
        statisticsCallback - callback that will receive statistics
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • execute

        public static FFmpegSession execute​(java.lang.String command)

        Synchronously executes FFmpeg command provided. Space character is used to split command into arguments. You can use single or double quote characters to specify arguments inside your command.

        command - FFmpeg command
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String command,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg command provided. Space character is used to split command into arguments. You can use single or double quote characters to specify arguments inside your command.

        command - FFmpeg command
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String command,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 LogCallback logCallback,
                                                 StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg command provided. Space character is used to split command into arguments. You can use single or double quote characters to specify arguments inside your command.

        command - FFmpeg command
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        logCallback - callback that will receive logs
        statisticsCallback - callback that will receive statistics
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String command,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg command provided. Space character is used to split command into arguments. You can use single or double quote characters to specify arguments inside your command.

        command - FFmpeg command
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • executeAsync

        public static FFmpegSession executeAsync​(java.lang.String command,
                                                 ExecuteCallback executeCallback,
                                                 LogCallback logCallback,
                                                 StatisticsCallback statisticsCallback,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService)

        Asynchronously executes FFmpeg command provided. Space character is used to split command into arguments. You can use single or double quote characters to specify arguments inside your command.

        command - FFmpeg command
        executeCallback - callback that will be called when the execution is completed
        logCallback - callback that will receive logs
        statisticsCallback - callback that will receive statistics
        executorService - executor service that will be used to run this asynchronous operation
        FFmpeg session created for this execution
      • cancel

        public static void cancel()

        Cancels all running sessions.

        This function does not wait for termination to complete and returns immediately.

      • cancel

        public static void cancel​(long sessionId)

        Cancels the session specified with sessionId.

        This function does not wait for termination to complete and returns immediately.

        sessionId - id of the session that will be cancelled
      • listSessions

        public static java.util.List<FFmpegSession> listSessions()

        Lists all FFmpeg sessions in the session history.

        all FFmpeg sessions in the session history
      • parseArguments

        public static java.lang.String[] parseArguments​(java.lang.String command)

        Parses the given command into arguments. Uses space character to split the arguments. Supports single and double quote characters.

        command - string command
        array of arguments
      • argumentsToString

        public static java.lang.String argumentsToString​(java.lang.String[] arguments)

        Concatenates arguments into a string adding a space character between two arguments.

        arguments - arguments
        concatenated string containing all arguments