FFmpegKit Android API 4.5
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
fftools_ffmpeg.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  HWAccel
struct  HWDevice
struct  StreamMap
struct  AudioChannelMap
struct  OptionsContext
struct  InputFilter
struct  OutputFilter
struct  FilterGraph
struct  InputStream
struct  InputStream::sub2video
struct  InputFile
struct  OutputStream
struct  OutputFile


#define VSYNC_AUTO   -1
#define VSYNC_CFR   1
#define VSYNC_VFR   2
#define VSYNC_VSCFR   0xfe
#define VSYNC_DROP   0xff
#define MAX_STREAMS   1024 /* arbitrary sanity check value */
#define DECODING_FOR_OST   1
#define ABORT_ON_FLAG_EMPTY_OUTPUT   (1 << 0)


typedef struct HWAccel HWAccel
typedef struct HWDevice HWDevice
typedef struct StreamMap StreamMap
typedef struct OptionsContext OptionsContext
typedef struct InputFilter InputFilter
typedef struct OutputFilter OutputFilter
typedef struct FilterGraph FilterGraph
typedef struct InputStream InputStream
typedef struct InputFile InputFile
typedef struct OutputStream OutputStream
typedef struct OutputFile OutputFile


enum  forced_keyframes_const {


void term_init (void)
void term_exit (void)
void reset_options (OptionsContext *o, int is_input)
void show_usage (void)
void opt_output_file (void *optctx, const char *filename)
void remove_avoptions (AVDictionary **a, AVDictionary *b)
void assert_avoptions (AVDictionary *m)
int guess_input_channel_layout (InputStream *ist)
enum AVPixelFormat choose_pixel_fmt (AVStream *st, AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVCodec *codec, enum AVPixelFormat target)
void choose_sample_fmt (AVStream *st, const AVCodec *codec)
int configure_filtergraph (FilterGraph *fg)
int configure_output_filter (FilterGraph *fg, OutputFilter *ofilter, AVFilterInOut *out)
void check_filter_outputs (void)
int ist_in_filtergraph (FilterGraph *fg, InputStream *ist)
int filtergraph_is_simple (FilterGraph *fg)
int init_simple_filtergraph (InputStream *ist, OutputStream *ost)
int init_complex_filtergraph (FilterGraph *fg)
void sub2video_update (InputStream *ist, int64_t heartbeat_pts, AVSubtitle *sub)
int ifilter_parameters_from_frame (InputFilter *ifilter, const AVFrame *frame)
int ffmpeg_parse_options (int argc, char **argv)
int videotoolbox_init (AVCodecContext *s)
int qsv_init (AVCodecContext *s)
HWDevicehw_device_get_by_name (const char *name)
int hw_device_init_from_string (const char *arg, HWDevice **dev)
void hw_device_free_all (void)
int hw_device_setup_for_decode (InputStream *ist)
int hw_device_setup_for_encode (OutputStream *ost)
int hw_device_setup_for_filter (FilterGraph *fg)
int hwaccel_decode_init (AVCodecContext *avctx)
void set_report_callback (void(*callback)(int, float, float, int64_t, int, double, double))
void cancel_operation (long id)
int opt_map (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_map_channel (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_recording_timestamp (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_data_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_progress (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_target (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vsync (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_abort_on (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_stats_period (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_qscale (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_profile (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_complex (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_complex_script (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_attach (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_sameq (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_timecode (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vstats_file (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_vstats (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_old2new (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_streamid (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_bitrate (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int show_hwaccels (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_filters (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_frames (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_qscale (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_channel_layout (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_preset (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_audio_filters (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_subtitle_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_channel (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_video_standard (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_sdp_file (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_data_codec (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_init_hw_device (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int opt_filter_hw_device (void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
void add_input_streams (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *ic)
void assert_file_overwrite (const char *filename)
void dump_attachment (AVStream *st, const char *filename)
uint8_t * get_line (AVIOContext *s)
void uninit_options (OptionsContext *o)
void init_options (OptionsContext *o)
AVDictionary * strip_specifiers (AVDictionary *dict)
void parse_meta_type (char *arg, char *type, int *index, const char **stream_spec)
int fftools_copy_metadata (char *outspec, char *inspec, AVFormatContext *oc, AVFormatContext *ic, OptionsContext *o)
const AVCodec * find_codec_or_die (const char *name, enum AVMediaType type, int encoder)
const AVCodec * choose_decoder (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st)
int open_input_file (OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
int get_preset_file_2 (const char *preset_name, const char *codec_name, AVIOContext **s)
int choose_encoder (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *s, OutputStream *ost)
OutputStreamnew_output_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, enum AVMediaType type, int source_index)
void parse_matrix_coeffs (uint16_t *dest, const char *str)
uint8_t * fftools_read_file (const char *filename)
char * get_ost_filters (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, OutputStream *ost)
void check_streamcopy_filters (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, const OutputStream *ost, enum AVMediaType type)
OutputStreamnew_video_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_audio_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_data_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_unknown_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_attachment_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
OutputStreamnew_subtitle_stream (OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc, int source_index)
int copy_chapters (InputFile *ifile, OutputFile *ofile, int copy_metadata)
void init_output_filter (OutputFilter *ofilter, OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc)
int init_complex_filters (void)
int open_output_file (OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
int opt_default_new (OptionsContext *o, const char *opt, const char *arg)
int open_files (OptionGroupList *l, const char *inout, int(*open_file)(OptionsContext *, const char *))


const char *const forced_keyframes_const_names []
__thread InputStream ** input_streams
__thread int nb_input_streams
__thread InputFile ** input_files
__thread int nb_input_files
__thread OutputStream ** output_streams
__thread int nb_output_streams
__thread OutputFile ** output_files
__thread int nb_output_files
__thread FilterGraph ** filtergraphs
__thread int nb_filtergraphs
__thread char * vstats_filename
__thread char * sdp_filename
__thread float audio_drift_threshold
__thread float dts_delta_threshold
__thread float dts_error_threshold
__thread int audio_volume
__thread int audio_sync_method
__thread int video_sync_method
__thread float frame_drop_threshold
__thread int do_benchmark
__thread int do_benchmark_all
__thread int do_deinterlace
__thread int do_hex_dump
__thread int do_pkt_dump
__thread int copy_ts
__thread int start_at_zero
__thread int copy_tb
__thread int debug_ts
__thread int exit_on_error
__thread int abort_on_flags
__thread int print_stats
__thread int64_t stats_period
__thread int qp_hist
__thread int stdin_interaction
__thread int frame_bits_per_raw_sample
__thread AVIOContext * progress_avio
__thread float max_error_rate
__thread char * videotoolbox_pixfmt
__thread int filter_nbthreads
__thread int filter_complex_nbthreads
__thread int vstats_version
__thread int auto_conversion_filters
__thread const AVIOInterruptCB int_cb
const HWAccel hwaccels []
__thread HWDevicefilter_hw_device

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ABORT_ON_FLAG_EMPTY_OUTPUT   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 468 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.



Definition at line 469 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.



Definition at line 331 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define DECODING_FOR_OST   1

Definition at line 330 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define MAX_STREAMS   1024 /* arbitrary sanity check value */

Definition at line 80 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define VSYNC_AUTO   -1

Definition at line 73 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define VSYNC_CFR   1

Definition at line 75 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define VSYNC_DROP   0xff

Definition at line 78 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.



Definition at line 74 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define VSYNC_VFR   2

Definition at line 76 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.


#define VSYNC_VSCFR   0xfe

Definition at line 77 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ FilterGraph

typedef struct FilterGraph FilterGraph

◆ HWAccel

typedef struct HWAccel HWAccel

◆ HWDevice

typedef struct HWDevice HWDevice

◆ InputFile

typedef struct InputFile InputFile

◆ InputFilter

typedef struct InputFilter InputFilter

◆ InputStream

typedef struct InputStream InputStream

◆ OptionsContext

◆ OutputFile

typedef struct OutputFile OutputFile

◆ OutputFilter

typedef struct OutputFilter OutputFilter

◆ OutputStream

typedef struct OutputStream OutputStream

◆ StreamMap

typedef struct StreamMap StreamMap

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ forced_keyframes_const


Definition at line 459 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.

◆ HWAccelID

enum HWAccelID

Definition at line 82 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.

◆ OSTFinished


Definition at line 473 of file fftools_ffmpeg.h.

Function Documentation

◆ add_input_streams()

void add_input_streams ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  ic 

Definition at line 822 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ assert_avoptions()

void assert_avoptions ( AVDictionary *  m)

Definition at line 793 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ assert_file_overwrite()

void assert_file_overwrite ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 1037 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ cancel_operation()

void cancel_operation ( long  id)

Definition at line 5201 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ check_filter_outputs()

void check_filter_outputs ( void  )

Definition at line 645 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ check_streamcopy_filters()

void check_streamcopy_filters ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
const OutputStream ost,
enum AVMediaType  type 

Definition at line 1734 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ choose_decoder()

const AVCodec * choose_decoder ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  s,
AVStream *  st 

Definition at line 805 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ choose_encoder()

int choose_encoder ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  s,
OutputStream ost 

Definition at line 1447 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ choose_pixel_fmt()

enum AVPixelFormat choose_pixel_fmt ( AVStream *  st,
AVCodecContext *  avctx,
const AVCodec *  codec,
enum AVPixelFormat  target 

Definition at line 65 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ choose_sample_fmt()

void choose_sample_fmt ( AVStream *  st,
const AVCodec *  codec 

◆ configure_filtergraph()

int configure_filtergraph ( FilterGraph fg)

Definition at line 965 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ configure_output_filter()

int configure_output_filter ( FilterGraph fg,
OutputFilter ofilter,
AVFilterInOut *  out 

Definition at line 630 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ copy_chapters()

int copy_chapters ( InputFile ifile,
OutputFile ofile,
int  copy_metadata 

Definition at line 2116 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dump_attachment()

void dump_attachment ( AVStream *  st,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1080 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ ffmpeg_parse_options()

int ffmpeg_parse_options ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

◆ fftools_copy_metadata()

int fftools_copy_metadata ( char *  outspec,
char *  inspec,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
AVFormatContext *  ic,
OptionsContext o 

Definition at line 671 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ fftools_read_file()

uint8_t * fftools_read_file ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 1686 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filtergraph_is_simple()

int filtergraph_is_simple ( FilterGraph fg)

Definition at line 1166 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ find_codec_or_die()

const AVCodec * find_codec_or_die ( const char *  name,
enum AVMediaType  type,
int  encoder 

Definition at line 776 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_line()

uint8_t * get_line ( AVIOContext *  s)

Definition at line 1402 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_ost_filters()

char * get_ost_filters ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
OutputStream ost 

Definition at line 1714 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ get_preset_file_2()

int get_preset_file_2 ( const char *  preset_name,
const char *  codec_name,
AVIOContext **  s 

Definition at line 1421 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ guess_input_channel_layout()

int guess_input_channel_layout ( InputStream ist)

Definition at line 2305 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ hw_device_free_all()

void hw_device_free_all ( void  )

Definition at line 283 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hw_device_get_by_name()

HWDevice * hw_device_get_by_name ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 53 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hw_device_init_from_string()

int hw_device_init_from_string ( const char *  arg,
HWDevice **  dev 

Definition at line 103 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hw_device_setup_for_decode()

int hw_device_setup_for_decode ( InputStream ist)

Definition at line 312 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hw_device_setup_for_encode()

int hw_device_setup_for_encode ( OutputStream ost)

Definition at line 440 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hw_device_setup_for_filter()

int hw_device_setup_for_filter ( FilterGraph fg)

Definition at line 546 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ hwaccel_decode_init()

int hwaccel_decode_init ( AVCodecContext *  avctx)

Definition at line 537 of file fftools_ffmpeg_hw.c.

◆ ifilter_parameters_from_frame()

int ifilter_parameters_from_frame ( InputFilter ifilter,
const AVFrame *  frame 

Definition at line 1143 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ init_complex_filtergraph()

int init_complex_filtergraph ( FilterGraph fg)

Definition at line 315 of file fftools_ffmpeg_filter.c.

◆ init_complex_filters()

int init_complex_filters ( void  )

Definition at line 2201 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_options()

void init_options ( OptionsContext o)

Definition at line 242 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_output_filter()

void init_output_filter ( OutputFilter ofilter,
OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc 

Definition at line 2159 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ init_simple_filtergraph()

int init_simple_filtergraph ( InputStream ist,
OutputStream ost 

◆ ist_in_filtergraph()

int ist_in_filtergraph ( FilterGraph fg,
InputStream ist 

◆ new_attachment_stream()

OutputStream * new_attachment_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2058 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_audio_stream()

OutputStream * new_audio_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1959 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_data_stream()

OutputStream * new_data_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2032 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_output_stream()

OutputStream * new_output_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
enum AVMediaType  type,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1482 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_subtitle_stream()

OutputStream * new_subtitle_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2066 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_unknown_stream()

OutputStream * new_unknown_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 2045 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ new_video_stream()

OutputStream * new_video_stream ( OptionsContext o,
AVFormatContext *  oc,
int  source_index 

Definition at line 1748 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ open_files()

int open_files ( OptionGroupList l,
const char *  inout,
int(*)(OptionsContext *, const char *)  open_file 

◆ open_input_file()

int open_input_file ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1112 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ open_output_file()

int open_output_file ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 2213 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_abort_on()

int opt_abort_on ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 287 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_attach()

int opt_attach ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 484 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_codec()

int opt_audio_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 342 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_filters()

int opt_audio_filters ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3193 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_frames()

int opt_audio_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3049 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_audio_qscale()

int opt_audio_qscale ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3261 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_bitrate()

int opt_bitrate ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3141 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_channel_layout()

int opt_channel_layout ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3225 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_data_codec()

int opt_data_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 360 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_data_frames()

int opt_data_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3055 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_default_new()

int opt_default_new ( OptionsContext o,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3061 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_complex()

int opt_filter_complex ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3267 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_complex_script()

int opt_filter_complex_script ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3282 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_filter_hw_device()

int opt_filter_hw_device ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 623 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_init_hw_device()

int opt_init_hw_device ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 608 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_map()

int opt_map ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 366 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_map_channel()

int opt_map_channel ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 492 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_old2new()

int opt_old2new ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3129 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_output_file()

void opt_output_file ( void *  optctx,
const char *  filename 

◆ opt_preset()

int opt_preset ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3081 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_profile()

int opt_profile ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3175 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_progress()

int opt_progress ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

◆ opt_qscale()

int opt_qscale ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3157 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_recording_timestamp()

int opt_recording_timestamp ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 761 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_sameq()

int opt_sameq ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 321 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_sdp_file()

int opt_sdp_file ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 569 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_stats_period()

int opt_stats_period ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 306 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_streamid()

int opt_streamid ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2094 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_subtitle_codec()

int opt_subtitle_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 354 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_target()

int opt_target ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2876 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_timecode()

int opt_timecode ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3211 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_channel()

int opt_video_channel ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 330 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_codec()

int opt_video_codec ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 348 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_filters()

int opt_video_filters ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3187 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_frames()

int opt_video_frames ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3043 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_video_standard()

int opt_video_standard ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 336 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vstats()

int opt_vstats ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3027 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vstats_file()

int opt_vstats_file ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3020 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ opt_vsync()

int opt_vsync ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 3199 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ parse_matrix_coeffs()

void parse_matrix_coeffs ( uint16_t *  dest,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 1668 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ parse_meta_type()

void parse_meta_type ( char *  arg,
char *  type,
int index,
const char **  stream_spec 

Parse a metadata specifier passed as 'arg' parameter.

argmetadata string to parse
typemetadata type is written here – g(lobal)/s(tream)/c(hapter)/p(rogram)
indexfor type c/p, chapter/program index is written here
stream_specfor type s, the stream specifier is written here

Definition at line 644 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ qsv_init()

int qsv_init ( AVCodecContext *  s)

◆ remove_avoptions()

void remove_avoptions ( AVDictionary **  a,
AVDictionary *  b 

Definition at line 784 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ reset_options()

void reset_options ( OptionsContext o,
int  is_input 

◆ set_report_callback()

void set_report_callback ( void(*)(int, float, float, int64_t, int, double, double)  callback)

Definition at line 5196 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ show_hwaccels()

int show_hwaccels ( void *  optctx,
const char *  opt,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 257 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ show_usage()

void show_usage ( void  )

Definition at line 3372 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ strip_specifiers()

AVDictionary * strip_specifiers ( AVDictionary *  dict)

Definition at line 270 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ sub2video_update()

void sub2video_update ( InputStream ist,
int64_t  heartbeat_pts,
AVSubtitle *  sub 

Definition at line 336 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ term_exit()

void term_exit ( void  )

Definition at line 432 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ term_init()

void term_init ( void  )

Definition at line 497 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ uninit_options()

void uninit_options ( OptionsContext o)

Definition at line 210 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ videotoolbox_init()

int videotoolbox_init ( AVCodecContext *  s)

Variable Documentation

◆ abort_on_flags

__thread int abort_on_flags

Definition at line 184 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_drift_threshold

__thread float audio_drift_threshold

Definition at line 166 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_sync_method

__thread int audio_sync_method

Definition at line 171 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ audio_volume

__thread int audio_volume

Definition at line 170 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ auto_conversion_filters

__thread int auto_conversion_filters

Definition at line 193 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_tb

__thread int copy_tb

Definition at line 181 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ copy_ts

__thread int copy_ts

Definition at line 179 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ debug_ts

__thread int debug_ts

Definition at line 182 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_benchmark

__thread int do_benchmark

Definition at line 175 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_benchmark_all

__thread int do_benchmark_all

Definition at line 176 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_deinterlace

__thread int do_deinterlace

Definition at line 174 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_hex_dump

__thread int do_hex_dump

Definition at line 177 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ do_pkt_dump

__thread int do_pkt_dump

Definition at line 178 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dts_delta_threshold

__thread float dts_delta_threshold

Definition at line 167 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ dts_error_threshold

__thread float dts_error_threshold

Definition at line 168 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ exit_on_error

__thread int exit_on_error

Definition at line 183 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_complex_nbthreads

__thread int filter_complex_nbthreads

Definition at line 191 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_hw_device

__thread HWDevice* filter_hw_device

Definition at line 161 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filter_nbthreads

__thread int filter_nbthreads

Definition at line 190 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ filtergraphs

__thread FilterGraph** filtergraphs

Definition at line 189 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ forced_keyframes_const_names

const char* const forced_keyframes_const_names[]

Definition at line 145 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ frame_bits_per_raw_sample

__thread int frame_bits_per_raw_sample

Definition at line 188 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ frame_drop_threshold

__thread float frame_drop_threshold

Definition at line 173 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ hwaccels

const HWAccel hwaccels[]

Definition at line 155 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ input_files

__thread InputFile** input_files

Definition at line 181 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ input_streams

__thread InputStream** input_streams

Definition at line 179 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ int_cb

__thread const AVIOInterruptCB int_cb

Definition at line 619 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ max_error_rate

__thread float max_error_rate

Definition at line 189 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ nb_filtergraphs

__thread int nb_filtergraphs

Definition at line 190 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ nb_input_files

__thread int nb_input_files

Definition at line 182 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ nb_input_streams

__thread int nb_input_streams

Definition at line 180 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ nb_output_files

__thread int nb_output_files

Definition at line 187 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ nb_output_streams

__thread int nb_output_streams

Definition at line 185 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ output_files

__thread OutputFile** output_files

Definition at line 186 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ output_streams

__thread OutputStream** output_streams

Definition at line 184 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ print_stats

__thread int print_stats

Definition at line 185 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ progress_avio

__thread AVIOContext* progress_avio

Definition at line 175 of file fftools_ffmpeg.c.

◆ qp_hist

__thread int qp_hist

Definition at line 186 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ sdp_filename

__thread char* sdp_filename

Definition at line 164 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ start_at_zero

__thread int start_at_zero

Definition at line 180 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ stats_period

__thread int64_t stats_period

Definition at line 194 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ stdin_interaction

__thread int stdin_interaction

Definition at line 187 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ video_sync_method

__thread int video_sync_method

Definition at line 172 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ videotoolbox_pixfmt

__thread char* videotoolbox_pixfmt

◆ vstats_filename

__thread char* vstats_filename

Definition at line 163 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.

◆ vstats_version

__thread int vstats_version

Definition at line 192 of file fftools_ffmpeg_opt.c.