
Interface Session

    public interface Session

    Common interface for all FFmpegKit sessions.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract LogCallback getLogCallback() Returns the session specific log callback.
      abstract long getSessionId() Returns the session identifier.
      abstract Date getCreateTime() Returns session create time.
      abstract Date getStartTime() Returns session start time.
      abstract Date getEndTime() Returns session end time.
      abstract long getDuration() Returns the time taken to execute this session.
      abstract Array<String> getArguments() Returns command arguments as an array.
      abstract String getCommand() Returns command arguments as a concatenated string.
      abstract List<Log> getAllLogs(int waitTimeout) Returns all log entries generated for this session.
      abstract List<Log> getAllLogs() Returns all log entries generated for this session.
      abstract List<Log> getLogs() Returns all log entries delivered for this session.
      abstract String getAllLogsAsString(int waitTimeout) Returns all log entries generated for this session as a concatenated string.
      abstract String getAllLogsAsString() Returns all log entries generated for this session as a concatenated string.
      abstract String getLogsAsString() Returns all log entries delivered for this session as a concatenated string.
      abstract String getOutput() Returns the log output generated while running the session.
      abstract SessionState getState() Returns the state of the session.
      abstract ReturnCode getReturnCode() Returns the return code for this session.
      abstract String getFailStackTrace() Returns the stack trace of the exception received while executing this session.
      abstract LogRedirectionStrategy getLogRedirectionStrategy() Returns session specific log redirection strategy.
      abstract boolean thereAreAsynchronousMessagesInTransmit() Returns whether there are still asynchronous messages being transmitted for thissession or not.
      abstract void addLog(Log log) Adds a new log entry for this session.
      abstract Future<out Object> getFuture() Returns the future created for this session, if it is executed asynchronously.
      abstract boolean isFFmpeg() Returns whether it is an FFmpeg session or not.
      abstract boolean isFFprobe() Returns whether it is an FFprobe session or not.
      abstract boolean isMediaInformation() Returns whether it is a MediaInformation session or not.
      abstract void cancel() Cancels running the session.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getSessionId

         abstract long getSessionId()

        Returns the session identifier.

      • getDuration

         abstract long getDuration()

        Returns the time taken to execute this session.

      • getCommand

         abstract String getCommand()

        Returns command arguments as a concatenated string.

      • getAllLogs

         abstract List<Log> getAllLogs(int waitTimeout)

        Returns all log entries generated for this session. If there are asynchronousmessages that are not delivered yet, this method waits for them until the given timeout.

        waitTimeout - wait timeout for asynchronous messages in milliseconds
      • getAllLogs

         abstract List<Log> getAllLogs()

        Returns all log entries generated for this session. If there are asynchronousmessages that are not delivered yet, this method waits for them.

      • getLogs

         abstract List<Log> getLogs()

        Returns all log entries delivered for this session. Note that if there are asynchronous logmessages that are not delivered yet, this method will not wait for them and will returnimmediately.

      • getAllLogsAsString

         abstract String getAllLogsAsString(int waitTimeout)

        Returns all log entries generated for this session as a concatenated string. If there areasynchronous messages that are not delivered yet, this method waits for them untilthe given timeout.

        waitTimeout - wait timeout for asynchronous messages in milliseconds
      • getAllLogsAsString

         abstract String getAllLogsAsString()

        Returns all log entries generated for this session as a concatenated string. If there areasynchronous messages that are not delivered yet, this method waits for them.

      • getLogsAsString

         abstract String getLogsAsString()

        Returns all log entries delivered for this session as a concatenated string. Note that ifthere are asynchronous log messages that are not delivered yet, this method will not waitfor them and will return immediately.

      • getOutput

         abstract String getOutput()

        Returns the log output generated while running the session.

      • getReturnCode

         abstract ReturnCode getReturnCode()

        Returns the return code for this session. Note that return code is only set for sessionsthat end with COMPLETED state. If a session is not started, still running or failed thenthis method returns null.

      • getFailStackTrace

         abstract String getFailStackTrace()

        Returns the stack trace of the exception received while executing this session.

        The stack trace is only set for sessions that end with FAILED state. For sessions that hasCOMPLETED state this method returns null.

      • thereAreAsynchronousMessagesInTransmit

         abstract boolean thereAreAsynchronousMessagesInTransmit()

        Returns whether there are still asynchronous messages being transmitted for thissession or not.

      • addLog

         abstract void addLog(Log log)

        Adds a new log entry for this session.

        It is invoked internally by FFmpegKit library methods. Must not be used by userapplications.

        log - log entry
      • getFuture

         abstract Future<out Object> getFuture()

        Returns the future created for this session, if it is executed asynchronously.

      • isFFmpeg

         abstract boolean isFFmpeg()

        Returns whether it is an FFmpeg session or not.

      • isFFprobe

         abstract boolean isFFprobe()

        Returns whether it is an FFprobe session or not.

      • isMediaInformation

         abstract boolean isMediaInformation()

        Returns whether it is a MediaInformation session or not.

      • cancel

         abstract void cancel()

        Cancels running the session.